Homeopathy for Cats with Allergies


Kitten (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Allergies are a common problem for the domestic cat. If you are a cat owner or just a cat lover, you may want to understand a bit more about the causes and treatments of cat allergies. Here, we review some of the common causes of feline allergies as well as some of the more common homeopathic treatments.

The cause of any allergy in cat (or humans or any other mammal for that matter) is that the subject’s immune system is incapable of defending the body against certain allergens Typically, these allergens are some sort of bacteria, viruses, or chemicals. In order to become allergic, a feline must be exposed to an allergen at least twice.

Experts divide allergens up into four main subsections: inhalant, flea, food and contact. Inhalant allergies are cause by airborne allergens. Flea allergies are caused by the saliva from a biting flea. Food allergens are usually cause by some protein in a food whether it is turkey, grain, or any other eatable compound. Contact allergies are caused by something the subject touches such as a toy or a couch cushion.

Many cat owners prefer homeopathic solutions to feline allergy problems, because they tend to be less in intrusive. For mucus membrane symptoms such as watering eyes and nose drip, diluted allium cep works well. For more stuffy nose and breathing issues, aresicum album is the homeopathic remedy of choice. If your cat is experiencing some sort of swelling as an allergic reaction, many owners swear by ferrum phosphoricum. For coughs and sneezes, try natrum muriaticum. These remedies can often safely be combined into a cocktail solution if your pet seems to be having multiple symptoms.

It is important to consult a veterinarian before starting any therapy however. Although many homeopathic remedies have been shown to be effective in treating the symptoms of feline allergies, most have not been subject to rigorous scientific testing so dosages can be difficult to gauge It is always better to consult with a professional to make sure you are not missing a deeper, more serious problem with your pet and that you are using the suggested therapies properly.

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