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Cat Constipation Testimonials

What our customers are saying about how Lax-eze and our homeopathic Anti-Constipation Formula have helped their pet's overcome the discomfort of cat constipation.

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My cat is much better. So fabulous to see him playful again.

Hello There,

My cat is much better. So fabulous to see him playful again. This powder and drops definitely works. Amazing that our vets in South Africa don't know about these products. I gave your website address to the breeder that I got my Burmeses from. All I can say is thank you. Friends of my had to put their cat down last year, had the same problem as mine. Enemas became weekly and the only other option was the operation which they just couldn't do. If they just knew about this product then!

Elna D.
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Dear Allergic Pet

I would like to say that this product has transformed my ageing cats life, he was having such difficulty deficating (due to Cronic Hip Displasia) that he was avoiding going to the toilet all together & was having to have enemas at the vets. Then the vet told me that because he has Epilepsy he could not continue to regulary undergo anesthetics for the enemas, meaning that i would have to consider having my precious pet put to sleep unless, we could find an alternative. As you can imagine this was devistating news & it is what prompted me to search the internet for a solution...and there you were!

My cat is longer able to stop himself from going to the toilet, the urge to go is too strong & it just happens quite naturally & easily because of the fiber supplement powder with his food, which i am amazed he is eating (we are talking about a very fussy eater!) & the liqiuid formula which keeps his stools soft. I believe that the combination the Anti Constipation formula & the Laxeze powder has literally saved my cats life & i cannot thank you enough.

Yours most sincerely
Cath E.
London, UK
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Thanks so much for your product. My cat, Stu, is almost 19 years old & has had constipation issues for several years. Your formula works exceptionally. I give it to him in the morning, and he goes shortly thereafter. Your product has surely helped extend his life!

Many thanks!
Dave B.
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Baker is a happy happy boy now, just with the use of a few drops a day it has completely eliminated his painful chronic constipation.

Hi- Just wanted to let you know how very very much this product has changed my cat's life. Baker is 8 years old, and two years ago, before I was aware of your miraculous formula, he suffered horribly with mega colon, and had to have part of his colon removed after we tried everything we knew about. He seemed better for a while, but then it all started up again, and I was told that he would need to have the rest of his colon removed to prevent this constant constipation/enema cycle. The cost would have been astronomical AGAIN, so I did a google search and your company came up!! I ordered the anti-constipation drops out of sheer desparation, and THEY WORKED!!!! Baker is a happy happy boy now, just with the use of a few drops a day it has completely eliminated his painful chronic constipation. This has been going on since February, and I can't thank you enough.

Pam M.
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You have saved his life.

Dear Friends, I am writing to SINCERELY THANK YOU for your liquid miracle. I spent $750.00 at an Emergency Animal Clinic in October due to constipation. The Vets suggested adding pumpkin at every meal, had to freeze little portions, thaw out, ect. much added extra work, with not much success. Since I add the liquid drops to his food I don't have to go through all the extra work and my 17 year old kitty is NO longer constipated. You have saved his life.

Linda R.
Menomonee Falls, WI
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If your cat is suffering please don't hesitate to use Lax-Eze, It really really works.

My 15 yr old cat was distressed due to constipation. It was horrible , she was up all night crying in pain. We gave her oat bran and it helped a little. Then I found this product and read the testimonials. I still had my doubts, but I'm here to tell you it worked like a miracle. After a few days she was better, a few weeks she was great,back to herself again. She had no problem eating it either. If your cat is suffering please don't hesitate to use Lax-Eze, It really really works. I have become a true convert.

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Just wanted to say how pleased we are with Lax-Eze. No longer do we find little 'packages' deposited around the house or have to watch our little cat in distress because she is having trouble passing a motion. We would definitely recommend this product.

Thank you.
Maggie P.
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Homer is a long haired cat that cleans himself regularly. I live in a warm climate, and he sheds a lot. I think that's why Homey has so much problem with hairballs (usually vomiting them up, but sometimes he becomes constipated - my vet said hair gets trapped in a feline's digestive tract causing the cat constipation). I've tried various hairball products, but I don't like using them because they are petroleum based and messy. I prefer a more natural approach. I found a product called Lax-Eze. It seemed to work immediately. The really neat part is that shedding is no longer the problem it once was, and he has never had such a shiny coat.

Linda P.
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Hello - my 16 year old cat, Thelma has been suffering from serious constipation for the past 3 years and we were on the verge of having to put her down. I received my shipment of Lax-Eze late last week and within a day of her first dose, she had a normal bowel movement in her litter box! Thank you so much for this wonderful product - I have sent your website to both my sister and my son, both of whom have skin-allergic dogs!!!

Jennie M.
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Just to let you know that I recommended Laxeze to my vet who has also ordered it from you - she is in County Down in Northern Ireland. My cat Millie is still doing fine on it!

Many thanks
Glynis C.
Northern Ireland
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Well, thanks to you guys, I feel like it is Christmas! I wanted to write a quick testamonial. All of us pet owners know that the vets aren't going to carry Lax-eze and the anti-constipation formula, because then they won't make money on x-rays and hideous enemas! These products are the bomb!!I've had the x-rays before and there is nothing wrong with Dasher cat except that he is a couch potato. Now, if a cat does not have a bowel movement as often as he should, there CAN be a lot of reallyy bad things that happen with impaction and mega-colon, so I was running around with the syringe to orally administer water all day long and massaging his abdomen and trying to scare him up and down the stairs to exercise and as soon as I got your products, my life and Dasher's completely changed!

Instead of little dime-sized, hardened nuggets every OTHER day, Dasher started giving me long coils EVERY DAY, when he would go to the box.He is the MOST finicky eater, so I was really surprised that he eats with just as much gusto as always with the Lax-eze on it, and this is coming from a cat that won't allow me to add even a couple drops of omega 3 oils to his canned food because he doesn't like the taste!I'm so happy I don't have to keep investigating his poop size. I am a professional trying to conduct a home business and I began to get REAL tired of digging through the box, hoping for poo, but being disappointed. Thanks Allergicpet!

Sharon W.
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Hi . . . Enclosed is my check for $15. Please send me a 7 oz. container of Lax-eze. A friend sent me a container of this product a few months ago, and the improvement and change in my 7 year old Maine Coon mix (a Money cat they call it here in Maine) has been TRULY remarkable!

Louie J.
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I have a 15 yr manx cat that has bad cat constipation over the past six months. We took her to the vet and spent several hundred dollars as they proceeded to get her unplugged. We were given hairball laxative and told to buy canned pumpkin, which we did. After two cans of pumpkin and three tubes of laxatone, and no hard food, she was not a lot better. This week, I went on the net looking for help. I came across your website, read all about lax eze, then ordered. After sprinkling a tsp on Maggie's food just twice, she has had several bowel movements. We are so pleased and thankful to you. Her bones have grown together at the base of her back, so she is also in some pain and has some trouble walking. I plan on ordering one of your products to see if it will help her also. She has quit using her litterbox for some reason, maybe pain. Anyway, thank you for helping my cat constipation problem. We are indebted to you. She loves the stuff, also.

Joan S.
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The Lax-eze arrived so I started using it and it is already working. At last, we have waited for so long to help Tilly our gorgeous British Blue. All out vet could suggest was using Lactulose Solution and Tilly has developed an aversion to this and was constantly vomiting it back up within seconds of us syringing it into her mouth. She is already a changed animal running around in the garden today instead of always being so sluggish.

Thanks so much
Tracey S
Chalgrove, Oxfordshire, UK
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Truly - Most truly a miracle drug/product!! No gimmicks - no lies - and best of all - no more constipation!!! If I could purchase shares of stock in this product, I'd be the first at the door. You saved my cats life. Thank you just doesn't cut it. You are genius and you are SPECIAL.

5 Stars
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You have a Miracle product with your cat constipation relief combo pack..WOW ! Just after 1 day. My 12 yr.old Calico passed a soft stool that I know was 6 long! She was proud of herself as well! The vet had mentioned putting her on a prescription drug, - the side affects I read about were awful and I didn't want to put her through that! Your product is natural and IT WORKS!

Thank You, is all I can say..
Jane S.
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Dear Allergicpet, Success! Our Klancy, 11 yrs. old, is having healthy movements...thank you. April 14th, Klancy spent two days at the Vets...he was constipated, throwing up, not eating...lost weight. I googled cat constipation and found your site...ordered the two pack after reading the feedback from other cat owners. I picked him up two days later after getting fluids, flushed out, etc...took him home...I began to feel the Vet sent him home for us to say our Goodbyes... He just slept, not respondant. The Vet gave me medicine to give him for potassium levels and hypothyroidism...I decided to force feed him...I put his pill/gel from the Vet and the powder/drops from Allergicpet in wet food. I wrapped him up in a towel with just his head out...I use a rubber (infant nose thing to clean out a baby's nose) gadget to pry open his mouth open and spoon in the wet food mix...I do this twice a day... My fear with the Allergicpet formula was he would get diareha...He is an indoor cat...I even had him get a sanitary clip at the Vets. But instead Klancy is having normal movements! Less than a week later, I feel he is better than normal...

Thank you for the greatest product since mom's apple pie...
Pam Shepherd
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We started using the Lax-eze about two weeks ago and we have seen a dramatic change in how our cats feels and is now responding. She was going to her litter box once a week and then it was hard and she would throw up several times before going. She was taking two prescription formulas as well as a hairball remedy and this was not helping. Then I added mineral oil to the meds and with some straining she would go once a week. Now on the lax-eze she is going to her litter easily and about two to three times a week. For her this is tremendous. She is happier, looks better, she is eating better and even seems to be eating more. She has already gained at least a lb over the last two weeks due to her increased appetite. I am now a fan of Lax-eze and will be telling anyone I know that has a problem cat about your site. My brother's cat has problems with vomiting and I have already told him to check out your products for this. I will tell everyone I know about this site because I am thrilled that my cat is now healthy.

Thank you Allergic Pet.
Shelia B.
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We wanted to give you an update on Mighty, our cat. He is doing great on the drops and Lax-eze. The tumor hasn't reappeared and no more hairballs. Maine coon cats have long hair and this is a problem. Our other cat has benefited as well. He doesn't have fishy breath anymore.

Dennis and Jane W.
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To Customer Service,

Thank you so much for helping me with my 5 year old cat, Max !!

He was severely constipated, mainly because he was constantly eating the hair off of his paws and belly for months. Finally all that fur became impacted and he began to scream everytime he had to move his bowels. Sometimes he was able to get some out and other times not. I noticed he wouldn't go for 2 or 3 days at a time. His stools were full of fur and he was leaving the poop on my desk, in the dining room, the den...everywhere but in his litterbox. First, I tried laxatone, but after a few weeks I didn't notice any improvement.

I took him to the Vet. He took x-rays, anesthetized him, and evacuated his impacted large intestine. He charged me $300. He told me to give him only wet food for a few days and to gave him Lactalose, a liquid, twice a day and let him know how's he doing after a week. I have 5 cats and it was difficult to tell whether he was moving his bowels. My sense was that he wasn't. Sure enough, about 10 days later, I started hearing the screaming again and saw that he wasn't getting anything out.

I decided to order the constipation kit from Allergic Pet, after reading about it online. Before using it, I called Allergic Pet. I described the situation and they told me how to use the liquid anti-constipational drops. They said to give him a few drops immediately and then wait about 15-20 and do it again. I did it and within a half hour, I heard a slight yelp and Max had moved a good amount out of his colon. I was amazed at how quickly it had worked!

I am now giving him the liquid twice a day and he seems like his old self, frisky and in good spirits. I'm also trying to get him to eat the powder fiber, Lax-Eze on his wet food, but it will take a little time.

I called your customer service a 2nd time about the Lax-Eze powder and was told to start with a very small amount of powder on the wet food and gradually add more until he tolerates the new taste. I'm working on that.

Meanwhile, I have to tell you that I've been so happy with your product that I called my vet and told him all about it. He was very interested in finding out more information and is considering recommending it to others.

Thanks to your helpful, friendly staff!
Carol R.
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I am so delightfully surprised that your homeopathy drops work for my cat's constant constipation that I would like to order more to have on hand when needed.

Thank you
Terri B.
Carson City, NV
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Thank you thank you thank you!!! Magic, my 13 yr. female cat is back to normal!!! I can't believe what a wonderful product you have! Her coat is so healthy, no more flaking skin, and...the best part, she is no longer constipated! You are fantastic for making this wonderful product!! Thanks again!!

Shar S.
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he's been on Lax-Eze for a while. It seems that it is the answer to many heartfelt prayers.

I adopted my cat Puss Puss as a stray when she was about a year old 17 years ago. During the past 6 months she was diagnosed with megacolon and had to have an enema and be cleaned out manually every 10 to 14 days. Just this week I had to have her cleaned out on Monday and Wednesday. Due to her age, surgery is not an option. Between the vet visits, the prescription food and Cisapride pills, we've been spending about $160 a month to keep her alive. In the wee hours of the morning last Sunday, January 6, I was online searching desperately for a treatment that worked, and I found Lax-Eze. Because it sounded too good to be true, I thought about ordering it (the whole kit of granules and drops) for a few days and finally did so this past Tuesday morning. It arrived this past Thursday, and she had her first dose that evening. Because her stool was so dry and hard, she had stopped pooping in her litter box all together and would go in her bed and bury it in the bedding. I gave her the maximum dosage of 2 teaspoons of the granules and 6 drops of the liquid at every feeding from Thursday evening into Friday night (last night). A little after midnight I discovered that she had vomitted and spent a restless night despairing, because she only vomits when she is completely plugged up. Just this morning my husband and I made the heart breaking decision to have her put down. After I put her in the carrier I checked her bed and discovered a small amount of defication. Then I checked her litter box and found more, and it was wet. Uncertain of what to do, I took her the vet. The examination revealed that she had very little stool in her system. The vet was surprised and recommended that I reduce the dosage of the granules to one teaspoon per feeding and see what happens. He said the fact that she used the litter box to deficate and that the defication was wet were good signs. Because she's only been on this treatment for a few days, I don't know if the success will be long lasting, but this is the best thing that has happened to us in the 6 months she's been having problems. I'll send an update after she's been on Lax-Eze for a while. It seems that it is the answer to many heartfelt prayers. I just read on the website that it's good for allergies and all other kinds of ailments, so I'm also going to start giving it to my other 2 cats (one a year old and the other 7 years old) and our 10 year old dog.

Sincerely hopeful,
Jamie B.
Newton Falls, OH
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Thanks for the Lax-Eze. My poor ole kitty (15) was so miserable and colon compacted we just didn't know what to do. We had tried many different methods including Vetasyl which didn't work. If the cat won't eat it in the food, it won't do any good. With Lax-Eze, my kitty eats it and it is working fine so far. We haven't been back to the vet with that problem now for over 6 weeks. This is a miracle. I have had to increase the amount once and it agrees with the cat just fine. I do add a little oil from the tuna (canned in oil) with the Lax-Eze and he eats it with no hesitation.

Thanks so much.
Ethel N.
Chester, VA
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I'm delighted with your product Laxeze to assist with my cats constipation. She has suffered various vet visits and enemas, which has caused stress to both her and myself. On researching your product I considered trying her on it in attempt to regulate her and avoiding future vet visits. After just two days she has improved dramatically thanks to your product.

Yours sincerely,
Ms. Mandy R.
United Kingdom
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Now he looks young again, his coat shines & he is the relatively healthy

Without your products, my 14 year old cat 'Puddy' would not be here today. The vet had said that it was looking like i would have to have him put to sleep because of cronic deficating problems but i found your products about 18months ago & he is doing really well. he has other problems too but the most important thing was to keep his bowl movements regular because it was causing him so much distress. Now he looks young again, his coat shines & he is the relatively healthy. I can't thank the Vets enough for making these products available & Allergicpet for this wonderful website.

yours faithfully
Cath E
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By the way, love your product. I have tried EVERYTHING with this cat, we almost lost her twice with REAL bad hairballs. I can't imagine what would have happened to her if it were not for your Lax-eze. Thanks for a great product.

Debra A.
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It has really helped her constipation problem and I am so glad that I surfed the net and found your company

Dear Allergic Pet

I thought that I just had to drop you a line to thank you for promptly sending to me your Constipation Full Treatment Pack back in April. I have been using the Lax-eze since then by mixing it in with my cat Poppy's food and it has helped her tremendously. It has really helped her constipation problem and I am so glad that I surfed the net and found your company. To be honest I had given up all hope of helping her and to find a good fibre based natural product is fantastic! I have just placed a second order to carry her on with the treatment. Kind Regards

Helena D.
Sutton Coldfield, England
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You sent me a small bottle of a white liquid laxative for my cat. It has saved his life because we had tried everything we could think of, but either he wouldn't take it or it didn't work.He takes a few drops of your product without noticing it on his dinner and it's keeping him right.I am so grateful, because he is a very nice natured animal and he was suffering dreadfully.

All the best,
Rosemary P.
Isle of Wight, UK
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Just wanted to say THANK YOU for Lax-eze! My cat Gigi was having severe constipation issues and in only 36 hours her issues were resolved beautifully! Its been about 6 months we've been using Lax-eze and still not one issue...except if I forget to give it to her, which is probably due to too much beer the night before. LOL! Truly an amazing product with real again THANK YOU!!!

Kevin H.
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I found a product called Lax-Eze. It seemed to work immediately.

Homer is a long haired cat that cleans himself regularly. I live in a warm climate, and he sheds a lot. I think that's why Homey has so much problem with hairballs (usually vomiting them up, but sometimes he becomes constipated - my vet said it's because the hair gets trapped in his digestive tract). I've tried various hairball products, but I don't like using them because they are petroleum based and messy. I prefer a more natural approach. I found a product called Lax-Eze. It seemed to work immediately. The really neat part is that shedding is no longer the problem it once was, and he has never had such a shiny coat.

Linda P.
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Dear Friends,

I am writing to SINCERELY THANK YOU for your liquid miracle. I spent $750.00 at an Emergency Animal Clinic in October due to constipation. The Vets suggested adding pumpkin at every meal, had to freeze little portions, thaw out, ect. much added extra work, with not much success. Since I add the liquid drops to his food I don't have to go through all the extra work and my 17 year old kitty is NO longer constipated. You have saved his life.

Linda R.
Menomonee Falls, WI
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I recently ordered and received Lax-eze granules and anti constipation drops for my much - loved cat Millie and am having great success with it. She has had to go to the vets on several occasions to be cleaned out. I was also caught out with my pet insurance because once the condition extended beyond a year and became chronic, they would no longer cover that condition.

I've tried other products from a holistic vet and although had some success initially, once the tablets were crushed into her food Millie wouldn't eat it - I don't blame her as the tablets were strong smelling so goodness knows what they tasted like. As a result in order to prevent the much dreaded manual 'clean-out' the vet had to force medication into her a couple of times which wasn't very pleasant for any of us.

I really want to keep Millie on Lax-eze and have shown it to my vet who is also impressed with its success ' Millie poohed in her surgery during a consultation after I started her on Lax-eze!

Really love these products! Millie takes it easily in her food. A big thank-you from us both!

Glynis C.
Northern Ireland
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I just bought this product from you last week, and am thrilled at how well it worked

Hi - I just bought this product from you last week, and am thrilled at how well it worked. My cat, Nina, 15 years old, has been experiencing constipation for several years. I had been mixing raw pumpkin with her food, but that stopped helping. She had mostly stopped using her litter box for bowel movements, as she had to strain so much. It was getting to the point where she would/could not go for up to a week at a time, then would have a huge movement that was very painful for her. Your product arrived on a Tuesday, and I started giving it to her that evening, mixed with her wet food. For the first week, I was giving it to her daily, now every other day. She seems to be as good as new! No more straining, no more random deposits, and the litter box is well-used. We are both DELIGHTED with your product, and I have already recommended it to others. Thanks from both of us!

Patti C.
Oakville, ON Canada
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Hi, Just to let you know that I recommended Laxeze to my vet who has also ordered it from you she is in County Down in Northern Ireland. My cat Millie is still doing fine on it!

Many thanks
Glynis C.
Northern Ireland
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You saved me some money and perhaps my cats life

Hello, I have a 12 year old cat that did not have a BM for almost two weeks. Two weeks ago I took him to the vet and explained that my cat was not having any bowel movement. The last time he had a BM before I took him to the vet, he cried in pain. I could see that he was severely constipated. They ran a series of test and he had to stay at the vet for the whole weekend. I picked him up was told to give him Lactulose three times a day and the problem still persisted. Called the vet and they asked me to bring him however after spending 700 dollars, I was a lot reluctant to take him to hear that I had to spend more money so more test could be done. After doing a search on the Internet I ran into your site, I purchased the Lax eze and the white anti constipation liquid. The package arrived on 1/19/07 and I gave my cat a dose in the afternoon and another dose in the evening before going to bed and when I woke up this morning my cat had a BM. I really, really truly want to thank you for your product. You saved me some money and perhaps my cats life. You will have customer for life.

Helen B.
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I've been using Lax-eze for my cat for over a year now, and it has worked wonders.

Hi there, I just wanted to thank you for developing these products. I've been using Lax-eze for my cat for over a year now, and it has worked wonders. I used to mix pumpkin into her food, but that stopped working awhile ago. She absolutely loves the taste of the powder, so it's no problem putting it into her food. In fact, I have to keep the jar in the fridge or else the cats knock it off the counter and roll it around on the floor, trying to get into it!I've recommended the product to anyone that is having trouble with constipation in their animals and will continue to do so.Oh, and thank you so much for being willing to send your products to Canada. So many companies don't want to be bothered.

I thank you and my cats thank you!
Ontario, Canada
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hown it to my vet who is also impressed with its success

I recently ordered and received Lax-eze granules and anti constipation drops for my much - loved cat Millie and am having great success with it. She has had to go to the vets on several occasions to be cleaned out. I was also caught out with my pet insurance because once the condition extended beyond a year and became chronic, they would no longer cover that condition.

I've tried other products from a holistic vet and although had some success initially, once the tablets were crushed into her food Millie wouldn't eat it - I don't blame her as the tablets were strong smelling so goodness knows what they tasted like. As a result in order to prevent the much dreaded manual clean-out the vet had to force medication into her a couple of times which wasn't very pleasant for any of us.

I really want to keep Millie on Lax-eze and have shown it to my vet who is also impressed with its success, Millie poohed in her surgery during a consultation after I started her on Lax-eze!

Really love these products! Millie takes it easily in her food. A big thank-you from us both!

Glynis C.
Northern Ireland
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I wanted to let you know how thrilled I am about your product, Lax-eze.

I wanted to let you know how thrilled I am about your product, Lax-eze. My 17 year old cat developed chronic constipation about a year ago and his usually medication was no longer working. I was trying everything, plus constant trips to the vet to unplug him. It was miserable for the both of us! I just gave him his first dose of Lax-eaz last night and by early morning he produced a large stool with out strain and vomiting! I am so happy, relieved and grateful! And so is my cat!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Renee G.
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I have never written to a supplier before, but felt I had to as your Lax-eze has worked wonders with our long haired black cat, Penny who had been visiting our vets for months and really suffering from constipation before I found your site and product last year. Since then she is regular, much more contented and no more visits to the vet! So thank you all for your super product, it really works. Can't thank you enough.

Kind regards and Merry Christmas.
Trevor P.
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I'm so glad I found your Web site

I'm so glad I found your Web site. My Exotic short hair cats are too. One had problems with constipation, and the other, because of a Porto Systemic Shunt he had as a kitten, (which was fixed) but still left him with an intrahepatic shunt that couldn't be fixed. He always had stools on the loose side. I knew I couldn't put the Lax-eze in just one dish of food, as they both ate back and forth out of each other's dish. I started out with the directed amount, but neither cat would touch it. With experimenting, 3/4 of a tsp. twice a day in their cat food suits them both. The cat with the loose stools, now has normal stools, has put on weight, and generally feels better. The other Exotic, receives both the Lax-eze and the Ant-constipation formula, two to three times a day. For him, because he is such a large cat, I give him about nine drops by mouth each time. He doesn't mind the taste. We have two, much happier cats now. I won't ever be without these products, as they've proved so successful for us. I might add, both cats are on canned food. The dry food seemed to add to the constipation. They only get dry treats in a very limited amount. Why more Vets don't know about this product is amazing.

Lynne B.
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Dear Friends,

You sent me a small bottle of a white liquid laxative (our anti-constipation formula) for my cat. It has saved his life because we had tried everything we could think of, but either he wouldn't take it or it didn't work.He takes a few drops of your product without noticing it on his dinner and it's keeping him right.I am so grateful, because he is a very nice natured animal and he was suffering dreadfully.

All the best,
Rosemary P.
Isle of Wight, UK
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I have a 15 yr manx cat that has become very constipated within the last six months. We took her to the vet and spent several hundred dollars as they preceded to get her unplugged. We were given hairball laxative and told to buy canned pumpkin, which we did. After two cans of pumpkin and three tubes of laxatone, and no hard food, she was not a lot better. This week, I went on the net looking for help. I came across your website, read all about lax eze, then ordered. After sprinkling a tsp on Maggie's food just twice, she has had several bowel movements. We are so pleased and thankful to you. Her bones have grown together at the base of her back, so she is also in some pain and has some trouble walking. I plan on ordering one of your products to see if it will help her also. She has quit using her litterbox for some reason, maybe pain. Anyway, thank you for helping my cat. We are indebted to you. She loves the stuff, also.

Joan S.
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mixing it in with my cat Poppy's food and it has helped her tremendously.

I thought that I just had to drop you a line to thank you for promptly sending to me your Constipation Full Treatment Pack back in April. I have been using the Lax-eze since then by mixing it in with my cat Poppy's food and it has helped her tremendously. It has really helped her constipation problem and I am so glad that I surfed the net and found your company. To be honest I had given up all hope of helping her and to find a good fibre based natural product is fantastic! I have just placed a second order to carry her on with the treatment.

Kind Regards
Helena D.
Sutton Coldfield, England
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Tigger now has that spring back in his step

I wanted to thank you so much for this healthy and wonderful alternative for my cat Tiggers constipation. I have vested more money than I care to admit loading him up on every pill known to man. With the latest and last round of meds not working, putting him down was the vets suggestion. Finding your site has been a blessing!! Within 2 weeks of using your product, he is moving his bowels much easier and no longer walks around with a bulging and uncomfortable rear end! Thank you for recognizing that there is an obvious issue with cats as they mature and proving pet owners with such a valuable and healthy alternative! Tigger now has that spring back in his step, and you would never know that he was 11 years old - he is now 11 years young!!

Christina C.
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Thank you for doing what all others have failed to do.

Thank you for saving our Bart's life. He is now 20 and like all older cats has had chronic constipation for many years. We would medicate with lactalose occasionally but it always made him so sick. He was wasting away, always in pain and to the vet countless times to be cleaned out. We were thrilled to find your product but honestly weren't sure if it was worth the money as we didn't think Bart would be around long enough to see if it would help. He was that sick. That was almost 2 years ago! We haven't been to the vet since and we used to be there every other week! Thank you for doing what all others have failed to do. Thank you for giving us added quality years with our little guy.

Pam and Dan
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I signed my first post a few weeks ago as Sincerely hopeful and am writing again to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Lax-Eze and the anti constipation drops are hands down, the best product I've ever had the good fortune to encounter. Please, if your cat has constipation problems or been diagnosed with megacolon, buy this product. It saved my old cat, Puss Puss's life! I've only run across a handful of products that do what the manufacturers claim, and this is definitely one of them. I am so grateful for this product. I spent many sleepless nights worrying about my dear friend, and my husband and I cried so many times thinking that we would have to put her down to end her suffering. Now Puss Puss is happy and healthy, and her coat is looking better every day! I never thought I could be so excited about cat poop!

A most satisfied customer,
Jamie B.
Newton Falls, OH
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he seems like his old self, frisky and in good spirits.

To Customer Service, Thank you so much for helping me with my 5 year old cat, Max !!

He was severely constipated, mainly because he was constantly eating the hair off of his paws and belly for months. Finally all that fur became impacted and he began to scream everytime he had to move his bowels. Sometimes he was able to get some out and other times not. I noticed he wouldn't go for 2 or 3 days at a time. His stools were full of fur and he was leaving the poop on my desk, in the dining room, the den...everywhere but in his litterbox. First, I tried laxatone, but after a few weeks I didn't notice any improvement.

I took him to the Vet. He took x-rays, anesthetized him, and evacuated his impacted large intestine. He charged me $300. He told me to give him only wet food for a few days and to gave him Lactalose, a liquid, twice a day and let him know how's he doing after a week. I have 5 cats and it was difficult to tell whether he was moving his bowels. My sense was that he wasn't. Sure enough, about 10 days later, I started hearing the screaming again and saw that he wasn't getting anything out.

I decided to order the constipation kit from Allergic Pet, after reading about it online. Before using it, I called Allergic Pet. I described the situation and they told me how to use the liquid anti-constipational drops. They said to give him a few drops immediately and then wait about 15-20 and do it again. I did it and within a half hour, I heard a slight yelp and Max had moved a good amount out of his colon. I was amazed at how quickly it had worked!

I am now giving him the liquid twice a day and he seems like his old self, frisky and in good spirits. I'm also trying to get him to eat the powder fiber, Lax-Eze on his wet food, but it will take a little time.

I called your customer service a 2nd time about the Lax-Eze powder and was told to start with a very small amount of powder on the wet food and gradually add more until he tolerates the new taste. I'm working on that.

Meanwhile, I have to tell you that I've been so happy with your product that I called my vet and told him all about it. He was very interested in finding out more information and is considering recommending it to others.

Thanks to your helpful, friendly staff! Sincerely,
Carol R.
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I just received your Anti-Constipation drops and Lax-eze Formula in the mail yesterday. I immediately administered the drops to my cat, who has recently experienced some major traumas, including not being able to have a BM. After the doctors further traumatized him by giving him enema after enema, which literally drains the life out of him, I decided to take my own action to help heal him. It has been only 24 hours since the first dose of drops, and my cat has already had success. It had been almost 7 days since his last BM, and now things are finally moving. I gave him a few drops every six hours and viola.I can't even tell you how grateful I am for your product. I am sure that you saved my cats life, and mine too, cause it was breaking my heart to see him in pain.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
A devoted client, Laurie N.
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I wanted to add a comment about the Lax-Eze. It's a wonderful product, I have two long hair cats and both were having problems with constipation, one had to get an enema. My vet didn't have any other solutions to offer. I ordered your product and it's wonderful, both of my cats are doing much better!!

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By the way, love your product. I have tried EVERYTHING with this cat, we almost lost her twice with REAL bad hairballs. I can?t imagine what would have happened to her if it were not for your Lax-eze. Thanks for a great product.

Debra A.
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Dear Friends,

You sent me a small bottle of a white liquid laxative for my cat. It has saved his life because we had tried everything we could think of, but either he wouldn't take it or it didn't work. He takes a few drops of your product without noticing it on his dinner and it's keeping him right. I am so grateful, because he is a very nice natured animal and he was suffering dreadfully. Thanks from all of us feline owners for solving our constipation in cats problem.

All the best,
Rosemary P.
Isle of Wight, UK
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no longer constantly lathrgic, and his coat is shiny & healthy looking.

I just want to say thank-you for making the miracle product--Lax-Eze. My cat midnight, is 15 yrs. old and has had consitpation for over 4 years---he was on cisapride, laxatone and lactulose. All these products made him feel bad, and he still only defecated about 2-3 times per week---always straining & crying. Your product has worked wonders for him---I have to admit, I was extremely skeptical about trying the product, but felt what do I have to lose.? Personally, I firmly believe in herbal remedies. I cannot get over the new midnight---he goes to the litter box every day without straining, is back to his old self once again---no longer constantly lathrgic, and his coat is shiny & healthy looking. I am a firm believer in your products. I will do all I can to spread the word about your company & its wonderful products.

Thank you once again.
Tobi D.
Pembroke Pines, FL
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I purchased your constipation package for my cat in February and it has healed her!!!! I thought I was going to lose my 18 year cat, but your products have saved her!!

Thankyou :-)
Kathy W.
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Just wanted to thank you for the Lax-eze (and liquid) - it's working beautifully for Joey. Appreciate all your help.

Many thanks.
Andrianna A. and siamese snowshoe, Joey
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this product has transformed my ageing cats life

Dear Allergic Pet I would like to say that this product has transformed my ageing cats life, he was having such difficulty deficating (due to Cronic Hip Displasia) that he was avoiding going to the toilet all together & was having to have enemas at the vets. Then the vet told me that because he has Epilepsy he could not continue to regulary undergo anesthetics for the enemas, meaning that i would have to consider having my precious pet put to sleep unless, we could find an alternative. As you can imagine this was devistating news & it is what prompted me to search the internet for a solution...and there you were! My cat is longer able to stop himself from going to the toilet, the urge to go is too strong & it just happens quite naturally & easily because of the fiber supplement powder with his food, which i am amazed he is eating (we are talking about a very fussy eater!) & the liqiuid formula which keeps his stools soft. I believe that the combination the Anti Constipation formula & the Laxeze powder has literally saved my cats life & i cannot thank you enough.

Yours most sincerely
Cath E.
London, UK
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I just wanted you to know that my cat is doing extremely well on the medicine. He had stopped pooping completely and is now quite regular thanks to your medicine. It saved his life!

Diane G.
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I just wanted to write to you and inform you how completely satisfied I am with your products.

I just wanted to write to you and inform you how completely satisfied I am with your products. A few weeks ago I took my seven year old cat to the vet due to his inability to have a bowel movement. After spending two hundred dollars on x rays it was determined that he was impacted with feces. The vet gave him an enema and prescribed Lactulos. He told me to give it to him until the bottle was finished. Total vet bill was about $250.00. Unfortunately, after spending all this money I found the Lactulos was doing absolutely nothing to help his problem as it had no positive effect at all. I spent considerable time on the internet researching different products that I felt could be helpful. Although I was reluctant to make such a purchase on-line I felt that it was necessary as the vet's therapy was just not working. I purchased the Anit-Constipation Full Treatment Pack. The cost was not cheap but I was encouraged by the testimonials and how helpful your products had been for others. I gave my cat a few drops of the anti-constipation formula on two occasions over four hours. I then went to bed. Upon awakening the next morning I checked his litter box. To my surprise my cat had a healthy bowel movement for the first time in about a week and a half. The only thing different in his diet during this time was that I had administered the anti-constipation drops to him. I have now begun to give him about a teaspoon of Lax-eze mixed in to his dry food as a preventative. So far he seems to be tolerating it well. Thanks for your products. They perform as advertised.

Michael M.
Jacksonville, FL
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Just wanted to say thank you very much for all your advice and help - hope it's not too soon to start celebrating but my little kitten has changed from being a very poorly constipated Kitty in a lot of pain into a proper, lively, into everything pooping machine! I don't know how to thank you. Every trip to the vets was horrendous (7 times in 2 weeks) with them not knowing how to help and just giving her enema after enema, lactulose, liquid parrafin and making me feel like there was no hope. The last trip to the vets they said the prognosis wasn't good - I didn't need to hear that. I have been worried sick about this little soul and to hear her in pain was heartbreaking. Thanks for replying to all my e-mails with good advice and encouragement to keep going and, most importantly, thank you for saving my kitten's life!

Amanda M. UK
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his coat is shiny and he's full of life like he was when he was little!!!

I thought your testimonials were too good to be true, but I was at the point where I thought my cat was on his way out at the age of nine! For over a 2 year period my cat was increasingly chronically constipated. And, I was at the vet every month for a $100 clean out and a recommendation to bulk up the diet with fiber and use an enema if needed. Have you ever tried to give a cat (even a docile one) an enema????? The last trip to the vet, the Dr. said, When your quality of life and your pet's quality of life deteriorates to a certain level, well..... He was basically telling me it was the end!!! So I purchased the Anti-constipation kit (1 oz. liquid and Lax-eze to mix in food) I am still giving my cat the lactulose liquid from my vet before he eats , (but will soon stop that). Unbelievably, my cat is like a new pet!! He poops' every day, normal proper sized poops and his coat is shiny and he's full of life like he was when he was little!!! He has been well and happy since I started this regimen for the past 3 months. I'm so pleased I've told all my friends about your products and site for other pet ailments. Thank you for returning my wonderful healthy Smoky to me!!!

Leslie S.
Potsdam, NY
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I really want to keep Millie on Lax-eze and have shown it to my vet who is also impressed with its success

I recently ordered and received Lax-eze granules and anti constipation drops for my much - loved cat Millie and am having great success with it. She has had to go to the vets on several occasions to be cleaned out. I was also caught out with my pet insurance because once the condition extended beyond a year and became chronic, they would no longer cover that condition.

I've tried other products from a holistic vet and although had some success initially, once the tablets were crushed into her food Millie wouldn't eat it - I don't blame her as the tablets were strong smelling so goodness knows what they tasted like. As a result in order to prevent the much dreaded manual 'clean-out' the vet had to force medication into her a couple of times which wasn't very pleasant for any of us.

I really want to keep Millie on Lax-eze and have shown it to my vet who is also impressed with its success ' Millie poohed in her surgery during a consultation after I started her on Lax-eze!

Really love these products! Millie takes it easily in her food. A big thank-you from us both!

Glynis C.
Northern Ireland
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I just wanted to write to you and inform you how completely satisfied I am with your products. A few weeks ago I took my seven year old cat to the vet due to his inability to have a bowel movement. After spending two hundred dollars on x rays it was determined that he was impacted with feces. The vet gave him an enema and prescribed Lactulos. He told me to give it to him until the bottle was finished. Total vet bill was about $250.00. Unfortunately, after spending all this money I found the Lactulos was doing absolutely nothing to help his problem as it had no positive effect at all. I spent considerable time on the internet researching different products that I felt could be helpful. Although I was reluctant to make such a purchase on-line I felt that it was necessary as the vet's therapy was just not working. I purchased the Anit-Constipation Full Treatment Pack. The cost was not cheap but I was encouraged by the testimonials and how helpful your products had been for others. I gave my cat a few drops of the formula on two occasions over four hours. I then went to bed. Upon awakening the next morning I checked his litter box. To my surprise my cat had a healthy bowel movement for the first time in about a week and a half. The only thing different in his diet during this time was that I had administered the anti-constipation drops to him. I have now begun to give him about a teaspoon of Lax-eze mixed in to his dry food as a preventative. So far he seems to be tolerating it well. Thanks for your products. They perform as advertised.

Michael M.
Jacksonville, FL
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You saved me some money and perhaps my cats life.


I have a 12 year old cat that did not have a BM for almost two weeks. Two weeks ago I took him to the vet and explained that my cat was not having any bowel movement. The last time he had a BM before I took him to the vet, he cried in pain. I could see that he was severely constipated. They ran a series of test and he had to stay at the vet for the whole weekend. I picked him up was told to give him Lactulose three times a day and the problem still persisted. Called the vet and they asked me to bring him however after spending 700 dollars, I was a lot reluctant to take him to hear that I had to spend more money so more test could be done. After doing a search on the Internet I ran into your site, I purchased the Lax eze and the white anti constipation liquid. The package arrived on 1/19/07 and I gave my cat a dose in the afternoon and another dose in the evening before going to bed and when I woke up this morning my cat had a BM. I really, really truly want to thank you for your product. You saved me some money and perhaps my cats life. You will have customer for life.

Helen B.
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Hello U guys saved by lit boys life w/Ur Constipation cures. I will pass word on about Ur company & great products here in NYC. AGAIN THANK SO MUCH no more lactulose or propulid.

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You guys saved my little dogs life with your constipation cures. I will pass the word on about your comany and great products here in NYC. No more lactulose or propulid!

Monika L.
New York City, NY
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Just wanted to say thank you for your Lax-eze product. Our adopted four-year old Baby started to have issues with passing her stools. Even with the Laxatone from her vet her problem was not solved. Her stools became harder and grayer to the point where she was in discomfort and vomiting. She was so distraught. When she would go it would be outside of her litter box - a hard gray pile. The last time she has this problem it took an evacuation of her colon by the vet - both she and I were not happy with this! Baby does not like going to the vet to begin and this was a humiliating experience for her. So I turned to the internet and googled constipation in feline house pets and found your site. After reading testimonials, many being exactly to what Baby was experiencing, I decided to order your product. Well, what a difference in her visits to the litter box! No more vomiting or discomfort - just nice long and natural looking stools. Gone away are the steel gray rocks! Both Baby and I thank you for your natural solution to her problem. I just ordered my second jar of Lax-eze granules. Baby will have a very Joyous New Year!

Best regards,
Helen D.
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She is back to normal and feeling so much better.

I am joining the club!!! This stuff is great. My poor cat had become so thin and pooped little pellets. The vet couldn't seem to find out what was wrong (we first noticed a UTI). It cleared up but the constipation didn't. For almost two years the poor cat suffered. Finally looking online I found your site. I thought why not, cheaper than the vet. I purchased the liquid and powder. We now feed her only wet food, mixed with water to make a soup and add her Lax-eze. She is back to normal and feeling so much better. It will take time to get her weight back up but the way she eats now, it shouldn't take too long!!

I thank you and so does Essie
Darlene G.
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No more straining or pain.

My cat was diagnosed with mega colon. She takes a prescription from the vet and I give her 100ml IV fluids every 3 days. This helped somewhat. Then I started using Lax-eze powder and the drops once daily. WOW!! She goes every day now. No more straining or pain. Thank you so very much.

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Love the product. My cat, Sunny was almost put to sleep. He is able to remove bowel everyday just using the product for a day. Thank you for saving my beloved cat.

Mae R.
San Jose, CA