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Topical Treatment Pack
    Topical Treatment Pack
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    Topical Treatment Pack

    Our Topical Treatment Pack should be used in combination with Skin-eze herbal supplement capsules or tablets. It includes Skin-eze Shampoo 8 oz., Skin-eze Skin Spray 8 oz., and Skin-eze O3 Oil. This combination is perfect to help alleviate topical symptoms that can result from allergy related itching and scratching.

    Treatment Pack Includes:

    • Skin-eze O3 Oil 1 oz.
    • Skin-eze Shampoo 8 oz.
    • Skin-eze Spray 8 oz.
    Buy Pack & Save $9.25
    Topical Treatment Pack
    Total: $81.25
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    Save $9.25 with this Treatment Pack or Purchase the Products Separately

    Choose Individual Products Below

    Special Full Treatment Skin Pack
    Skin-eze Herbal Capsules & Tablets
    Skin-eze Shampoo 8 oz.
    Save $1.75/each when you purchase 3 or more!
    Skin-eze O3 Oil 1 oz.
    Save $3.00/each when you purchase 3 or more!
    Skin-eze Spray 8 oz.
    Save $1.75/each when you purchase 3 or more!
    Grand Total: $81.25

    Success Stories

    I am blown away by the power of Skin-eze. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who has an animal that is suffering with debilitating allergies.

    Read More

    At a Glance

    • All natural and safe for daily use
    • Helps alleviate topical symptoms of severe skin conditions
    • Veterinarian formulated
    • Topical formulas include a mix of exotic essential oils and homeopathic tinctures in an orange oil base
    • Helps relieve damage to skin caused by constant itching and scratching
    • Safe for all pets of all ages including kittens and puppies
    • Save by ordering Topical Treatment Pack, or each item can be purchased individually

    Benefits Include

    • Helps relieve and heal red, itchy raw spots (ears, paws, pads, face, etc.)
    • Especially effective for yeast & bacterial infections
    • Helps promote healing

    Success Stories

    What our customers are saying about how Topical Treatment Pack has helped their pet's overcome their discomfort.

    5 Stars

    I have a 6 year old Shih Tzu named Lola. For years she has suffered miserably with skin allergies. It had gotten so bad that her fur was falling out. She scratched, licked and chewed herself all day and all night long. I have tried everything to help her. About 2 months ago, I switched her from a high quality food which she has always eaten, to a raw diet which is high protein, low-carb, and grain free. She also gets plain yogurt every day to help control the yeast which causes her ear infections. The allergies persisted. So finally I had decided I was going to put her on steroids as a last resort. The day before her vet appointment, I decided to once again search the internet for an alternate solution as I do not believe that veterinarians are very educated when it comes to nutrition or allergies. They immediately want to drug the animal which can lead to all kinds of other ailments. I got online and was so happy when I came across the Skin-eze website. I read the testimonials, checked the product ingredients and was convinced it was worth a shot. I am a big believer in holistic remedies and was really hoping that this would be the solution I had been searching for. I received my order today in the mail (very quickly I might add...only 2 days after I had placed the order) which consisted of the shampoo, oil drops, tablets, and skin spray. I immediately bathed her, sprayed her hot spots, and gave her 3 of the tablets (disguised in moist food). Within an hour she was a completely different dog. No chewing or biting and very limited scratching. She smells good too! Tonight she is sleeping comfortably with no itching. I am blown away by the power of Skin-eze. I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who has an animal that is suffering with debilitating allergies. It is worth the every penny. I spent less on these highly effective products than I would have spent on one trip to the vet! Give it a try. You and your dog will be very happy you did!! It is truly remarkable.

    JoAnne W.

    5 Stars

    Dear Sirs,

    I have a precious little 9 year old Shitzsu named Gizmo. I am single and have no children, so him and his health are very important to me. I have tried for over a year to find something that would eliminate his dry, itchy skin condition. No shampoo, conditioners, food addative, sprays or anything else worked. I also had him to the vet numerous times and no success there either. Then, one day, I stumbled on your website, by accident, and thought it would be worth trying. I did order the pills, spray, shampoo and drops from you. I have used your product 4 times and am amazed at the results I've seen already. I will continue using your product and have also told my groomer about your product today and they wanted your website since they have many dogs with the same type of skin conditions that mine had. I will promote you and your fine products to everyone I see that owns a pet.

    Thank you very much,
    Gary B.
    Madison, TN

    5 Stars

    My westie has suffered for five years with yeast infections. I was at my wits end trying to help her. She has been on your product for two weeks and I have seen a remarkable improvement. The shampoo is wonderful. I hope it continues!

    Thank you
    Pam R.

    5 Stars

    I want to tell you about my dog Bailey, a Westy, and how your product has helped. Bailey has atopic dermatitis. He has been on prednisone and antibiotics for 4 or 5 years now and nothing has really controlled or eliminated his itching. October 07, he was worst off then he's ever been, I was at my wits end, and tired of the same treatment offered by the vet. I found your product online and ordered it in November 07, and have been using it since. When we started Bailey's hair was almost gone, his skin was full of welts and hot pink in color, and smelled awful. About one month later I started seeing Bailey's hair growing and his skin returning to normal. Everyday I kept seeing improvement. Today Bailey's hair, the fine underlayment and outer hair is all grown in, his skin is back to its normal color and texture and the smell is gone. This is due to the Skin-eze caps and your shampoo. He looks better than he has in 3 years, we are very pleased.

    Your Satisfied Customer, Tony

    5 Stars

    I have a Chocolate Cocker Spaniel named Hershey. Last fall she started getting hotspots and a bad yeast infection on her ears. I have tried Benedryl, steroids and everything else. She had lost almost all of her hair when I found your site early June. I ordered your products and 10 weeks later she is much better. She still itches some which I think may be more habit than anything at this point. Her hair is coming back in. Granted it's a slow process but she looks so much better. I've enclosed before and after pics along with my sincerest gratitude.


    5 Stars

    I have a twelve year old Cairn Terrier who has had bad skin allergies for about 4 years. After doing all the traditional medical things (I was even giving her allergy shots which we both hated!) I surfed the web and found your site. This past March I began with the tablets and the bathing routine. Within about 8 weeks I could begin to see a difference and although she is not allergy-free the difference is amazing. Thank you.

    Ann & Terry M.
    Coshocton, OH

    5 Stars

    I absolutely love Skin-eze...I have 2 shih tzu's who suffer badly with skin allergies...I have purified water, the get groomed weekly, brushed daily, air purifiers, we avoid walking on grass, etc...and they just kept itching and scratching all the time...countless visits to the vets, prescriptions, a dozen different shampoo's, sprays and creams...After just one shampoo there was a remarkable I have all my friends dogs using your products and even my GROOMER is using it. Thank you!...I just ordered more shampoo today.

    Susan O.
    Palm Harbor, FL

    Didn't know how to contact you and tell you what a GREAT product this is... but I guess you already know that! Most of your stories are about small dogs. I have a 120 lb. german shephard who has struggled with skin issues all his life (he is 5) this breed is prone to skin issues as you may be aware. His itching, scratching, biting and SMELL were awful! No one wanted to be around him he stunk like a skunk no matter what I did. One try of your shampoo (I used the entire bottle on him... like I said he is BIG) and it made a huge difference. The icky black patches on his belly began to heal, his coat is soft and my girls just love to pet him now! He doesn't smell like a skunk anymore! I have ordered more of the shampoo (6 bottles this time) and I am going to take this product over to an all natural pet store in my town to tell him he should carry this stuff! I tried almost every product in his store with no relief before I tried Skin eze.

    Thanks for a great product!
    Lucy B.

    I just had to tell you how great this product is. Within 24 hours of using Skin-eze the scratching was almost gone! Now almost a week later, we are completely off of Benadryl. We have a new dog now.

    Thank you so much!!!
    Kelley M.

    I am writing to thank you for your Skin-eze product! My daughter's 8 1/2 month-old pitt bull puppy has been suffering with a skin allergy for months now. She has gone to the vet and gotten medicine and even a corticosteroid shot. Nothing helped. We tried several different shampoos and she gets the flea treatment every two weeks. Still she chewed until she looked like she had racing stripes down each of her sides. She was losing so much hair. I was so skeptical, but desperate. I ordered skin-ez and she has only been on it for a week, and after only two days of taking four tabs twice daily, her hair has already begun growing back and she is back to being a puppy. She isn't scratching and chewing constantly. She is a little bit, but I would say she is 90% better. Her coat looks really good and seems to even be softer. I will keep ordering this product for her. It's not just another gimmick. It really helps.

    Jacqueline J.

    Well, early May brought sudden warm weather and lots of rain this year. The molds evidently flourished here in mid-Michigan. My darling Bichon Frise, Cookie, suddenly had an itch problem that was to become nearly tragic.

    I began by giving her a flea treatment of Advantage. No relief. The itching became worse, and began to look red, swollen and possibly infected. Her Vet suspected an allergy, and suggested Benedryl 2x a day. No result. Things got worse.

    The vet then suggested a diet change (I cooked for her in order to assure that proper controls were in place) and prescribed an antibiotic, an antihistime shampoo as well as switching her to Chlortrimeton (a different oral antihistimine). Her hair began falling out...everywhere I looked in the house I could see globs of her hair. The itching had become a torment to her, and was still escalating.

    Next, the vet added a prescription antihistimine, Atarax, and did a skin scraping looking for possible mites. The Vet gave her an injection of Ivermectin, suspecting mites. No results, and things were getting worse. It is now the end of May. The itching had become true torment, and I began to consider having to put her down. I prayed, literally, for an answer (I believe all things are possible through God, the Father, Almighty). In absolute desperation I began to search the internet for anything...any information or ideas that might help my dog. I came across this site. I called on the telephone immediately and spoke to a wonderful, caring person (Suzanne), who said she thought the Skin-eze products might be helpful. I had the products (all four of them) overnighted to me.

    After just 2 or 3 days my dog was showing remarkable relief, and after a week the itching was very much GONE. You could see the the relief in her eyes, and I knew we were on the right track.

    It is now the end of July, and Cookie has been enjoying life again and her hair is coming back in nicely. She is very happy, and so am I. Thank you very much for your caring and help for my dog. She cannot speak to you in words, but if she could I'm sure she would tell you she owes you her life.

    I just want to mention, Cookie is also diabetic. These products worked for her without causing problems with her blood sugar.


    This is just a short note to tell you, what a success I had with your Skin-eze capsules. We were able to reduce the prescription drug to 1/2 tablet every two days (from 2 every two days) and I'm convinced, that in a few weeks I'm able to reduce this amount to zero. My dog is still on 5 capsules twice a day, and I will have to order more capsules. I'm going to do that in a few weeks when we are in BC.

    Sonja G.
    British Columbia, Canada

    Thought I would give you an update as to how we are progressing with the Skin-eze tablets.

    Spring has now been on a dosage of 4 tablets, twice a day, for almost 14 days and the change is incredible. As you know, when we received the tablets, she was already on a course of steroids prescribed by the vet.

    We have gradually weaned her off those to the point that she is not now taking any, and the itching is greatly improved. In fact, she is hardly itching at all. We have been holding our breath before making this statement, but it would appear that she is definitely responding to Skin-eze. At first her system was slightly upset and her bowel movements most irregular, but all that has settled down and she is back to normal. We are absolutely thrilled.

    Lynn B.

    Just wanted to let you know, I am on my second bottle of Skin-eze for my Westie. After her second breakout on her back, I ordered my first bottle and started giving her 3 pills a day, left on vacation for 10 days and my husband mistakenly gave her 6 pills a day. When I got home, her back was full of black scabs, so I thought OH No! but after I gave her a bath, scabs out of her fur, she looked beautiful and hasn't had a breakout again. Hopefully more Westie owners will read this and order instead of putting their dogs down. I give her a maintenance dose now of two pills a day. The first bottle was the tablets which I had to camouflage in turkey meat. All I have to say is time for your medicine and she goes running to the kitchen. This time I am trying the capsules. I have notified the Westie Rescue group in hopes of getting this info out to other owners.

    Thanks for a great product!
    Debra H.

    Your products saved my dogs life also! I have been exploring solutions for skin allergies for over 5 years, including trying everything the vet suggested. My dog's allergies kept getting worse. As a last resort I bought your Skin-eze - and she is cured! She is not suffering any more! Now she can sleep at night, play, enjoy life without all the itching. Being a nurse I even had the vets do a complete physical including a full blood work panel. Everything came back perfect! No side effects! Your products are tremendous and I would recommend them to any pet owner to improve your pet's quality of life.


    I have been using your Skin-eze formula for my Jack Russell Terrier for over a year, and it is wonderful! I can't believe I didn't think of looking you all up sooner, but from now on I will go to your site first!!!!!!!!!!

    Penny F.
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    How it Works

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    Ingredients: Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil

    Ozonated extra virgin olive oil; Lavender; Roman chamomile; Egyptian geranium; Symphytum; Calendula; Hypericum; Urtica; Arnica.

    Ingredients: Skin-eze Shampoo

    Deionized Water; Citrus Oil; Ozonated Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Coconut Oil; Aloe Vera; Cajuput; Bay; Erigeron; Lavender; Roman Chamomile; Egyptian Geranium.

    Ingredients: Skin-eze Spray

    Deionized Water; Citrus Oil; Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Ozonated Extra Virgin Olive Oil; Aloe Vera; Cajuput; Bay; Erigeron; Lavender; Roman Chamomile; Egyptian Geranium
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    Dosage & Directions

    Skin-eze: How to Use Topical Products (Skin-eze Shampoo, Spray, and O3 Oil):

    Does your pet have any of these symptoms?

    1. 1
      History of ear problems (past or present)?
    2. 2
      Dry, flaky, skin with dandruff?
    3. 3
      Frequent licking of paws?
    4. 4
      Scabs or open sores?
    5. 5
      Nasty or foul odor (stinky ears, etc.)?
    6. 6
      Past history of above symptoms, but these symptoms subside when the dog is on steroids (prednisone, etc.), and come back soon after the steroids are discontinued?

    These cases will benefit by Skin-eze tabs or capsules. However, if your pet has any of the above symptoms, he may have a more extreme case that will require extra help. We recommend our Special Full Treatment Skin Pack for your pet, which includes our Skin-eze tabs or capsules, Skin-eze Magic Herbal Shampoo, Skin-eze Magic Herbal Skin Spray, and Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil. These products should be used as follows:

    1. 1
      Bathe daily with Skin-eze Magic Herbal Shampoo for first 3 or 4 (increase to up to 7 days if symptoms persist); if this is not possible due to size of pet, try spot bathing the affected areas). Bathe two times per week thereafter until the dog is completely itch free. Skin-eze Shampoo with conditioner is natural and safe to use daily, and will not dry the coat. Also, it works great as a whitener on discolored hair.
    2. 2
      If there is a problem with the ears, use Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil in ears (two drops 1-2 times daily as needed). Also, use Skin-eze shampoo around the outside of the ears when bathing. Skin-eze Magic Herbal skin spray can also be used - one spray in the ear and around the outside area of the ear (some pets do better with the O3 oil in the ears, while others do better using the Skin spray for the ears).
    3. 3
      Use Skin-eze Magic Herbal Skin Spray directly on any itchy area or hot spot in between bathing.
    4. 4
      Use Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil on any open sores on the body to help heal the skin and prevent infection.
    5. 5
      Use Skin-eze (capsules or tabs) two times daily. See Skin-eze suggested Dosage.

    Some pets will show improvement within the first 3 to 7 days. More extreme cases could take longer. It is not uncommon for us to hear comments like "I didn't think Skin-eze was working until about the third or fourth week, then my dog started to improve dramatically".

    Skin-eze: How to Use Topical Products (Skin-eze Shampoo, Spray, and O3 Oil):

    Does your pet have any of these symptoms?

    1. 1
      History of ear problems (past or present)?
    2. 2
      Dry, flaky, skin with dandruff?
    3. 3
      Frequent licking of paws?
    4. 4
      Scabs or open sores?
    5. 5
      Nasty or foul odor (stinky ears, etc.)?
    6. 6
      Past history of above symptoms, but these symptoms subside when the dog is on steroids (prednisone, etc.), and come back soon after the steroids are discontinued?

    These cases will benefit by Skin-eze tabs or capsules. However, if your pet has any of the above symptoms, he may have a more extreme case that will require extra help. We recommend our Special Full Treatment Skin Pack for your pet, which includes our Skin-eze tabs or capsules, Skin-eze Magic Herbal Shampoo, Skin-eze Magic Herbal Skin Spray, and Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil. These products should be used as follows:

    1. 1
      Bathe daily with Skin-eze Magic Herbal Shampoo for first 3 or 4 (increase to up to 7 days if symptoms persist); if this is not possible due to size of pet, try spot bathing the affected areas). Bathe two times per week thereafter until the dog is completely itch free. Skin-eze Shampoo with conditioner is natural and safe to use daily, and will not dry the coat. Also, it works great as a whitener on discolored hair.
    2. 2
      If there is a problem with the ears, use Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil in ears (two drops 1-2 times daily as needed). Also, use Skin-eze shampoo around the outside of the ears when bathing. Skin-eze Magic Herbal skin spray can also be used - one spray in the ear and around the outside area of the ear (some pets do better with the O3 oil in the ears, while others do better using the Skin spray for the ears).
    3. 3
      Use Skin-eze Magic Herbal Skin Spray directly on any itchy area or hot spot in between bathing.
    4. 4
      Use Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil on any open sores on the body to help heal the skin and prevent infection.
    5. 5
      Use Skin-eze (capsules or tabs) two times daily. See Skin-eze suggested Dosage.

    Some pets will show improvement within the first 3 to 7 days. More extreme cases could take longer. It is not uncommon for us to hear comments like "I didn't think Skin-eze was working until about the third or fourth week, then my dog started to improve dramatically".

    Skin-eze: How to Use Topical Products (Skin-eze Shampoo, Spray, and O3 Oil):

    Does your pet have any of these symptoms?

    1. 1
      History of ear problems (past or present)?
    2. 2
      Dry, flaky, skin with dandruff?
    3. 3
      Frequent licking of paws?
    4. 4
      Scabs or open sores?
    5. 5
      Nasty or foul odor (stinky ears, etc.)?
    6. 6
      Past history of above symptoms, but these symptoms subside when the dog is on steroids (prednisone, etc.), and come back soon after the steroids are discontinued?

    These cases will benefit by Skin-eze tabs or capsules. However, if your pet has any of the above symptoms, he may have a more extreme case that will require extra help. We recommend our Special Full Treatment Skin Pack for your pet, which includes our Skin-eze tabs or capsules, Skin-eze Magic Herbal Shampoo, Skin-eze Magic Herbal Skin Spray, and Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil. These products should be used as follows:

    1. 1
      Bathe daily with Skin-eze Magic Herbal Shampoo for first 3 or 4 (increase to up to 7 days if symptoms persist); if this is not possible due to size of pet, try spot bathing the affected areas). Bathe two times per week thereafter until the dog is completely itch free. Skin-eze Shampoo with conditioner is natural and safe to use daily, and will not dry the coat. Also, it works great as a whitener on discolored hair.
    2. 2
      If there is a problem with the ears, use Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil in ears (two drops 1-2 times daily as needed). Also, use Skin-eze shampoo around the outside of the ears when bathing. Skin-eze Magic Herbal skin spray can also be used - one spray in the ear and around the outside area of the ear (some pets do better with the O3 oil in the ears, while others do better using the Skin spray for the ears).
    3. 3
      Use Skin-eze Magic Herbal Skin Spray directly on any itchy area or hot spot in between bathing.
    4. 4
      Use Skin-eze Healing O3 Oil on any open sores on the body to help heal the skin and prevent infection.
    5. 5
      Use Skin-eze (capsules or tabs) two times daily. See Skin-eze suggested Dosage.

    Some pets will show improvement within the first 3 to 7 days. More extreme cases could take longer. It is not uncommon for us to hear comments like "I didn't think Skin-eze was working until about the third or fourth week, then my dog started to improve dramatically".

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