I called last week desperately searching for help for my 11 year-old fox terrier. I was finally able to get her in to a dermatologist on Friday. She diagnosed Foxy with an immune disease called Pemphigus Foliaceus after a physical exam, blood work and skin scrapings. She placed Foxy on a natural food diet, Baytril once a day, Medrol twice a day, and Omega 3 oil capsules twice a day. In addition to these medications, I have been giving her the Skin-eze twice a day, rubbing the pads of her feet with the essence oil, plus bathing her in the shampoo I purchased from you. She has almost completely stopped getting the crusty patches, flaking and the pads on her feet are almost totally healed. Thank you so much for taking the time last Thursday to talk to me regarding this problem and getting the product to me so quickly. The dermatologist told me during our office visit that if I wouldn't have gotten help for Foxy when I did, she wouldn't have lived more than a couple more weeks. Although it is very difficult to prove, she seemed to suspect the vaccination as being the reason Foxy's immune system went so haywire. She advised against ever having my dog vaccinated for anything other than rabies ever again. She also confirmed my belief in getting a titer test done on dogs before you blindly get yearly vaccinations done on any dog. I feel very fortunate indeed to have had the good luck to find your products and a good dermatologist for Foxy. I have learned a valuable lesson from Foxy's misfortune and will campaign to inform all of my acquaintances of the value of the titer test for dogs, your products, and how to avoid picking a vet the refuses to test before immunizing. Once again, thank you very much for your help with Foxy's problem.