July 2013 archive

Small White Worms in Dog Poop? Yikes!

A Keeshond-Sibirian Husky puppy

A Keeshond-Sibirian Husky puppy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It is important to check your dog’s poop on a regular basis. Doing so can help you identify any issues with your dog’s health. If you find small white worms in your dog’s poop, it is a sign that your dog has tapeworms in their intestines. Your dog will also leave tapeworm larvae in your home; they show up as small white specks that look similar to grains of rice, and can be found on your dog’s bedding and any furniture he sits on. Your dog may also scratch or lick his anus, or scoot on the floor due to the irritation from the tapeworms. While tapeworms are not something you want your dog to have to deal with, they can be easily treated if you catch the infestation in its earliest stages.

How Are Tapeworms Contracted? 

Tapeworm larvae are actually passed to animals through the bites of mosquitos. Your dog can also get tapeworms from eating an animal that has been infected with them. If you allow your dog to hunt in the woods, or catch small game such as rabbits and squirrels that enter your yard, it’s a very likely possibility that your dog will get tapeworms. Your dog can also become infected by contact with the feces of another dog that has tapeworms. Tapeworms can grow up to eight inches in length, and are then passed from your dog’s body through their stool.

How Can Tapeworms Be Treated? 

There are several methods of treatment for tapeworms. You can contact your vet for assistance, but if you already know your dog has tapeworms, there is no need for a costly office visit, lab tests and prescriptions from your vet. You can safely treat a tapeworm infestation at home with a natural remedy. The best at-home remedy is Tape-eze. Tape-eze not only kills existing worms, it also prevents a re-infestation, and can be safely used monthly to protect your dog’s digestive system from these nasty intruders. Tape-eze is made of all-natural ingredients and is deemed safe for use in all breeds of dogs. It is also much less expensive than other tapeworm treatments and preventatives. It’s also easy to administer; simply put a few drops into your dog’s food once per week, and he’ll be free of tapeworms in just a few days.

Homeopathy for Cats with Allergies


Kitten (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Allergies are a common problem for the domestic cat. If you are a cat owner or just a cat lover, you may want to understand a bit more about the causes and treatments of cat allergies. Here, we review some of the common causes of feline allergies as well as some of the more common homeopathic treatments.

The cause of any allergy in cat (or humans or any other mammal for that matter) is that the subject’s immune system is incapable of defending the body against certain allergens Typically, these allergens are some sort of bacteria, viruses, or chemicals. In order to become allergic, a feline must be exposed to an allergen at least twice.

Experts divide allergens up into four main subsections: inhalant, flea, food and contact. Inhalant allergies are cause by airborne allergens. Flea allergies are caused by the saliva from a biting flea. Food allergens are usually cause by some protein in a food whether it is turkey, grain, or any other eatable compound. Contact allergies are caused by something the subject touches such as a toy or a couch cushion.

Many cat owners prefer homeopathic solutions to feline allergy problems, because they tend to be less in intrusive. For mucus membrane symptoms such as watering eyes and nose drip, diluted allium cep works well. For more stuffy nose and breathing issues, aresicum album is the homeopathic remedy of choice. If your cat is experiencing some sort of swelling as an allergic reaction, many owners swear by ferrum phosphoricum. For coughs and sneezes, try natrum muriaticum. These remedies can often safely be combined into a cocktail solution if your pet seems to be having multiple symptoms.

It is important to consult a veterinarian before starting any therapy however. Although many homeopathic remedies have been shown to be effective in treating the symptoms of feline allergies, most have not been subject to rigorous scientific testing so dosages can be difficult to gauge It is always better to consult with a professional to make sure you are not missing a deeper, more serious problem with your pet and that you are using the suggested therapies properly.

Does your dog have allergies? Check these common food allergies

Shelves of dog food. Includes Beneful and Pedigree

Shelves of dog food. Includes Beneful and Pedigree (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A food allergy in dogs can start at any age, but they are most commonly found in dogs that are 2 years of age and older. Studies have shown that dogs who consistently eat the same food each day and the same source, such as the brand of food or the same source of protein, are more susceptible of developing a food allergy. When a dogs immune system continually deals with the same type of allergens for several years, it may end up developing negative reactions toward the source of food.

Intolerance or Allergies 

It is important to not confuse food intolerance with food allergies. Both are often the most difficult aliments for pets to diagnose and the symptoms of allergies and intolerance can be uncomfortable for your dog. Food intolerance does not cause the same type of reactions as an allergy, such as skin problems and itching. In some dogs a food allergy can literally begin within a day and the allergen could be due to something the dog has eaten for years with no problems. In most cases, dogs with food allergies will the symptoms will increase and decrease overtime and new symptoms may occur as other symptoms diminish. Some of the most common chronic symptoms of allergies may include:

  • Hair loss
  • Flaky skin
  • Skin hives and rashes
  • Itchy paws and feet, which often leads to chewing at paws
  • Dry skin
  • Itchy skin
  • Chronic vomiting
  • Recurrent ear infections
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Recurrent hot spots and skin infections
  • Frequent bowel movements

Most common dog food allergens

It has been shown that specific ingredients that commonly found in dog foods have a higher tendency to cause dog food allergies than other ingredients. Some of the most common ingredients in dog food that may trigger food allergies may include:

  • Beef
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products including cheese and milk
  • Wheat
  • Corn
  • Soy
  • Yeast
  • Certain spices and/or additives

Treating Dog Food Allergies 

Dogs with a food allergy usually will not respond to a steroid or anti-histamine treatment, or they may have a limited response that only lasts a day or two, before symptoms will return. Typically treatment for food allergies in dogs is treatment with an exclusion diet. This type of diet involves removing one ingredient at a time from his diet for two weeks. In most situations this means serving him special foods or homemade food until the allergen can be identified. Once a particular ingredient is excluded and his symptoms disappear or improve, it is usually an indication that the food excluded was causing the reactions.

Natural Remedies for Dogs

You love your dog, they are your best friend. That is why it is important to maintain their health for a long life using natural dog remedies. If your pet is exhibiting strange symptoms it may be wise to review some of the following natural remedies and health care tips. They can be safe alternative in some cases for expensive treatments and chemicals. Read on to learn more:

Just like people, dogs need vitamins and minerals from food and drinks they eat. They can take advantage of many of the concepts people do when getting sick. Dehydration can effect your animal if they have been vomiting, electrolytic beverages without flavorings, are alright for dogs to consume and will help them balance their hydration levels after an upset stomach. On a regular basis you can help to maintain their belly health with some yogurt, the good bacteria aids their digestive process, just like you and me.

A dog’s skin has to deal with the environment, like our does, accept without the protection of clothing. All they have is their fur! Lend them a hand, Vitamin E can be massaged directly into their skin to keep it and their coat healthy. Plus, they love a good belly rub. If they suffer from eczema like itchiness or skin dryness an oatmeal bath will assist in subduing those conditions for a canine too. Instead of resorting to heavy chemicals and treatments first try borax to kill fleas, it will eat through their nasty little exoskeletons.

Your pet’s health also derives much of its equilibrium from their diet. Put healthy things in them and watch their demeanor improve, nasty food and they will be grumpy and sluggish. Giving your pet a healthy lifestyle, particularly food wise, reflects many of the recommendations we should follow. All sorts of fresh herbs from your home garden, indoor and outdoor, are wonderful for your dog. Things that people use everyday like chamomile, valerian, aloe vera and ginger with a variety of beneficial properties can be administered to you dog under the same situations.

Taking care of your dog’s body and health is no mystery, in fact it is quite similar to the practices you should be maintaining for yourself. However, they need you help! Dogs can not manage all this care on their own. At http://www.AllergicPet.com you will find many products to help your dog stay in peak health.

Hairballs and Digestion

English: White she-cat with long hair and kitt...

English: White she-cat with long hair and kitten. Français : Chatte blanche à poils longs et son chaton. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Cat owners are always concerned for their pet’s health and one of the most frequent concerns is hairballs. Hairballs are not only unsightly and a mess to clean up, they can cause blockage to your cat’s digestive system and in some situations can cause death.

The main reason your cat gets hairballs is because by nature, they are clean creatures. When they give themselves a bath, the loose hair sticks to their tongues and that hair gets swallowed. The hair can then lodge in the digestive system until it is thrown up, passed through in the cat’s stool, or in some cases, it will stay in the cat’s system where it grow until it totally blocks him.

One way to prevent hairballs is to either brush or comb you cat every day. If the cat has long hair, you should use a steel tooth comb to make sure that the undercoat hairs are combed out. If the cat has short hair, a brushing three or four times during the week should be fine.

If your cat has hairballs, there are several natural ways to help in preventing, or at least treat the hairball before it harms the cat. Let’s take a look at some of the ways.

  • Use Lax-eze Treatment.Your vet will let you know if your cat should be on this treatment. It is all natural, and helps with vomiting due to hairballs. There are no side effects and it could help your cat’s digestion. It can also give your cat a glossy coat and helps your cat shed less.
  • Feed your cat grain-free food.Grain-free food has no grains such as rice, corn, barley or wheat.
  • Try 100% Pumpkin.Try feeding your cat one teaspoon several times a week. Check the label on the can to make sure it does not have any spices or preservatives. You can also us fresh cooked and mashed pumpkin. Pumpkin is a great natural way to help your cat’s digestion.
  • Use Plant Probiotics and Enzymes. These will help your cat digest and absorb nutrients and should be given with wet cat food.
  • Select Chewable Hairball Relief.Vets Best has an all natural chewable pill that is holistic. Some of the ingredients are elm bark, papaya and no petroleum based ingredients.

If these tips don’t do work, make sure you take your pet to the vet and ask for his advice. Make sure you tell him you would prefer a holistic solution.

Dog UTI Treatment

Cover of "Emergency Vet"

Cover of Emergency Vet

When a dog has a urinary tract infection, they are treated very similar in the way that a human is treated for this type of infection. If your dog is suffering from a urinary tract infection, this is a serious matter that needs to be handled immediately. Even though the signs and symptoms of this particular infection vary, this condition is treated as an emergency situation. The very first step that you will need to take is seek immediate emergency care for your pet. Once your furry friend has been properly diagnosed, there will be a few treatment options available. A few of these treatments include:

  • Dietary changes
  • Increased water intake
  • Medications
  • Supplements
  • Antibiotics
  • Surgery

These are just a few treatments that are available for dogs if they happen to get a urinary tract infection. Depending upon the severity of the dog’s condition, more extreme measures may need to be taken, such as surgery. A lot of the time, a dog is back to normal health within a few days and proper antibiotics.

During the time that your furry family member is recovering, a lot of rest and down time will be needed. Some dogs recover in as little as two to three days and others take a little more time to get themselves together. In any event, your dog should have at least an entire day to relax and let the medication take effect.

If you suspect that your pet is suffering from a urinary tract infection, the best thing that you can do is make a visit to your veterinarian’s office. Even if your pet turns out okay and nothing is wrong, it is a lot better to be safe than sorry. If this condition is left untreated, the results are critical. Serious problems such as bladder infections and life-threating illnesses can occur as a result from non-treatment.

There are a few signs that will indicate that your little furry friend may be suffering from a urinary tract infection. If you notice certain changes in your pet such as:

  • Cloudy urine
  • Lethargy
  • Severe back pain
  • Weight loss
  • Bloody urine
  • Strong odor from urine
  • Fever
  • Loss of total bladder control

If you notice any of these instances, it is essential that you contact your veterinarian office immediately. If you happen to notice these symptoms on a weekend or late at night, the chances of you seeing your veterinarian at that time are slim. Try to find an emergency vet that is local to you.


Dealing with Dog Allergies and Natural Treatments

Puggle Puppy

Puggle Puppy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dogs, like humans, can and do suffering from a number of allergies. However, in the dog world some of the reactions can be far more severe, especially given the fact that dogs use their noses far more than any human could ever use all of his five senses.

A dog can suffer from breathing, skin, and digestion allergies. Unfortunately, many of these conditions won’t become apparent until a dog tends to be older, which makes puppy life rather difficult. Common symptoms can include conjunctivitis in the eyes, frequent sneezing, vomiting, runny eyes, frequent scratching, and diarrhea. An allergic reaction in a dog can include one or multiple symptoms, depending how the dog’s body is reacting to something. Veterinarians who are trained to look for dog allergies early on, however, will spot these conditions and prescribe both treatments and medication to alleviate symptoms as well as help dogs recover.

Treatment for a dog’s allergies can usually include prescribed chemical treatments. However, drug and chemical treatments can be harsh on an animal, especially one never previously exposed to such cures. A number of natural treatments and practices can provide significant relief as well. Additionally, natural treatments provide far less negative side effects for dogs.

First, once an allergy is identified, the reaction programs can be reduced greatly if exposure can be reduced. Second, where inhalation of dust or dander is a problem, regular cleaning and vacuuming of the dog’s bed as well as washing the dog weekly can reduce a lot of sources triggering an inhalation allergy. Further, a food allergy can be alleviated with a controlled diet under the advice of a veterinarian. With the causal food source eliminated, the vomiting and diarrhea symptoms should die down and disappear as the dog’s system removes the remaining food causing problems. Finally, skin reactions can be soothed and alleviated with natural remedies such as oatmeal, aloe, and medicated shampoos.

Relieving Cat Constipation

Cat bliss

Cat bliss (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

Cats, like all animals, can occasionally become constipated when they eat to much of the same thing or ingest something they shouldn’t, like string they find on the floor or human food that is dropped in the kitchen or fished from the garbage. Hairballs are also another common cause of constipation from their constant grooming, as hair is swallowed and collects in the digestive tract, blocking everything else from going through. Beyond being incredibly uncomfortable for your cat, it can also be dangerous for them to be constipated for an extended period of time, putting strain on their digestive system and keeping them from eating their food. So when this occurs, it is important that you have a way to take care of it as quickly and efficiently as possible. 


The main sign that your cat may be constipated is when you see them straining to defecate and not being able to force anything out. However, since most cats go in a cat box and seem to like a little bit of privacy when they are going to the bathroom if they go outside, it may not be possible to watch them defecate. Nor do you probably have the time to sneak up on them, waiting and watching. You may want to check the cat box for liquid stools or bloody stools, as this is a sign of constipation as well. Other signs of a cat being constipated is when they aren’t eating regularly, as lethargic or are walking in a hunched, uncomfortable way. When all of these are happening, you should probably try to relieve the cat’s constipation before moving on to other, bigger health problems. 


While you can always take the cat to the vet to have their constipation relieved, this has a number of different problems. For one, it is expensive. Vets charge a premium, just like doctors, for their services and care. This will take a decent amount of time and require them to give your cat laxatives, which sometimes causes cats to get sick and have accidents everywhere. 

Rather, try natural treatments that work just as well as a vet-prescribed laxative, if not better. These are also cheaper to purchase and take a lot less time out of your day. Add some fiber to your cat’s meal, like bran cereal or canned pumpkin, both of which you can buy at your local grocery store for a couple of bucks. Even consider Metamucil mixed into some delicious wet food, as this will quickly relieve constipation and get everything moving again. 

If these cat constipation remedies do not fix the problem then taking the car to the vet may be the only option. But be sure to tell your vet you have already tried these things, so that they can move onto the next steps. This would usually be giving the cat an enema or checking for a more serious blockage, like a bone or foreign object they never should have eaten, which might ultimately require surgery. 

Natural Allergy Treatments for Cats

Kitten Love

Kitten Love (Photo credit: Energetic Spirit)

Cats and humans can suffer from some of the same allergies. These days, more and more owners are turning to natural treatments for allergies in their cats.

An allergy is the result of an overreaction by the feline immune system to a substance eaten, inhaled or simply encountered in the environment. For an allergy to occur, the cat must be exposed to the culprit at least two times.

There are two kinds of reactions. Hives and itching are the usual symptoms of immediate exposure. Delayed reactions can cause itching days after exposure.

Common Cat Allergies

Four types of allergies are the most common:

Inhalants.Cats are often allergic to foreign particles in the air. The most common offenders are trees, weeds, grass, mold, mildew and dust mites. In most climates, pollen allergies occur only in the spring and summer. Typical signs include head and neck itching, a rash on the neck and back, skin eruptions and hair loss from overzealous licking or grooming

Fleas.The presence of fleas causes an immediate immune response. However, the cat might still be itching days after flea removal.

Foods.Food allergies are usually acquired. The biggest causes are products with beef, pork, chicken or turkey. Possible symptoms include itching, digestive disturbances and respiratory issues. Sometimes the eyes and/or ears are involved.

Contact reactions.They usually cause minor skin irritation and scratching. Causes are substances found in an object the cat uses, such as a bed or a flea collar.

Traditional Treatments

The type of traditional treatment appropriate depends on the kind of allergy the cat has and the duration of exposure. The most common include:

  • Steroids
  • Desensitization immunizations
  • Medicated shampoos
  • Immunosuppressant drugs

Steroids and immunosuppressants can cause significant side effects because they reprogram the immune system. Desensitization is expensive, takes up to two years and is successful in just half the cats treated.

Natural Treatments

natural cat allergy treatmentis often less costly, more convenient and likely to produce fewer side effects. Many owners have had good results with:

  • Avoidance of the offending substance
  • Hypoallergenic foods with meats like duck or venison
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Biotin

Before using any treatment, remember to always get your veterinarian’s recommendations.

Kidney Stones in Dogs


Nourriture (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many people are not aware that dogs, like humans can get kidney stones. This is a dangerous illness because a lot of the time, there are no signs or symptoms that you need to watch for. The only way to know for sure if your dog is suffering from kidney stones is to have them tested in your veterinarian’s office. This condition is often diagnosed when testing is being performed for other illnesses. A few symptoms that you may happen to notice include:

  • Vomiting
  • Blood within the urine
  • Urinary tract infections

You may or may not notice all of these symptoms at one time. It is important that you know that all, none or some of these symptoms may occur. The symptoms that you are able to notice and recognize will depend on where the stones are located.

There are quite a few causes of this condition in dogs. The most common causes of this condition are increased levels of calcium that are found in the urine. These calcium levels can be found in the blood as well. Other instances that may be causing your pet to have kidney stones include frequent urinary tract infections and certain diets that have the ability to product high urine pH, also known as alkaline.

When it comes to the diagnosis in your pet, your veterinarian will need to be aware of all of your dog’s medical history. It will be a good idea to take notes as soon as you suspect that your pet is acting strange. The more that the veterinarian knows about your pet and the events that have taken place, the sooner they will be able to assist you and provide your dog with some form of relief. Once a diagnosis has been successful, you can move on to the options of treatment that you have.

As far as treatment is concerned, there is usually more than one form of treatment available. In the unfortunate event that your dog is suffering from kidney stones, you may be given the basic form of treatment for this illness. In this instance, you will be given medication to give to your pet once or twice each day for one or two weeks. The medication that is prescribed will dissolve the kidney stones and have your furry friend back to go spirits in no time.

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