Archive of ‘Dog Diarrhea’ category

How to Alleviate the Puppy Diarrhea That’s Ruining Your Life

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Did your pup have a meal and something bad brewed in its stomach? Or maybe he just thinks that twigs and grass are good substitutes for puppy food. Whether or not this is the reason your little guy has puppy diarrhea, one of your top priorities should be taking him to the vet. While you may be sure that the reason your puppy is having problems is his diet or stress, there could be a whole mess of problems with your puppy internally that you aren’t able to see. If your puppy is actually ill, it’s better to check and make sure that they are good and well than to let it go and have your puppy be actually sick.

After taking your pet to the vet for their puppy diarrhea, you will probably get a prescription remedy for your dog. If you don’t, your vet is probably confident that the diarrhea will wear off quickly and was stress-related.

However, in an animal as small as a young puppy, you want to ensure their internal health. That’s why it is important for you to invest in a holistic product for your animal as a supplement to veterinarian care. Allergic Pet’s Diar-Eze is the best way for you to alleviate puppy diarrhea and the suffering of your pet without needing a prescription. The herbal formula in Diar-Eze makes it an all-natural remedy for all puppy diarrhea. The good thing is that you can also use this with your prescription from the doctor. That’s great, because you don’t have to stop one treatment to begin another. Don’t let your pet continue suffering, and don’t pump them full of chemicals and drugs to fix their diarrhea. Instead, give them the all-natural remedy: Diar-Eze. Your puppy will thank you in the end.

Dog Diarrhea: No one’s friend

Dogs are man’s best friend. But do you know what isn’t your dog’s friend at all? That’s right: dog diarrhea. Not only can it lead to a mess inside your home that can ruin clothing, furniture, and carpeting, but it can also be a difficult and embarrassing problem to clean up after them when you’re out on a walk, especially when in public. Dog diarrhea can be caused by many things. You know dogs, sometimes they will eat anything and when they do, it can upset their digestion. A dramatic change in diet like a switch from dry to wet food, or emotional stress like a new home or time in the kennel can also be contributing factors that will upset the ecosystem in their bodies.

If this is a problem for your dog, Allergic Pet has relief for you and your dog! Diar-eze is a safe and all-natural product that will let you treat your pet’s digestive ailments. For medium-size and large breed dogs, just add a single tablespoon of the granules to each of their meals. For smaller breeds, use a teaspoon. It mixes well in soft food, but if you only feed your dog dry kibble you can moisten the food slightly to help it stick. Most dogs aren’t picky about it, but if your dog refuses to eat it, you can start with a small pinch and gradually increase the dosage over the course of two-weeks. You can also use three pumps of the Diar-eze spray in their water bowl or directly in their mouth. Both the spray and the granules are available in the Diar-eze Full Treatment Pack and work great together. If your vet has prescribed traditional drug therapy for your pooch, you can use Diar-eze in conjunction to help relieve symptoms and further regulate digestive function.

Diar-eze uses a combination of both soluble and insoluble fiber to bind excess liquid in your dog’s colon and normalize their stools. It also uses a special formula of trace minerals and all-natural plan enzymes to help maximize the nutrition your pet absorbs from their food. In a matter of days, your happy pooch will be feeling better and both of you can get back to your life, free from the discomfort and hassle of a messy and smelly dog diarrhea problem.

4 Causes of Your Dog’s Diarrhea

Our pets can be some of our best friends, and the last thing we want to see is them suffering needlessly.

So, when our pets get sick, we want to know what caused it. Sometimes, though, the symptoms of their sickness make it a little harder to figure out what got them sick in the first place. If your dog has diarrhea, we know that they are experiencing something unusual, but pinpointing exactly what is causing their sickness is the tricky part. Below, we’ve outlined four causes of dog diarrhea, which should be able to guide you and help you determine why your pup is sick.

  1. Change in diet: Just like humans, dogs have a diet to which they become accustomed. Think back to the last time you ate really spicy food, or if you travelled to a different country and ate there. Your stomach probably didn’t feel too great, right? Well, the same thing happens to your dog. If you’ve been feeding them dry food and all of a sudden give them wet food, or if you traditionally only give them dog food and then feed them from the table, of course that will upset their digestive system, causing dog diarrhea. See if your pet may have also been able to get into the trash and eat spoiled food, which is a surefire way to get dog diarrhea.
  2. Ingestion of toys or other small objects: If you have a game night, you know enough to not eat the little pawns on the board. Pets sometimes aren’t so bright. Especially if you have small children, it’s important to make sure that their toys are kept in a secure location that your pet can’t get to. This way, they can’t swallow the toys and end up with dog diarrhea or worse—in the hospital.
  3. Stress: If you are moving or going through a living change, this can cause stress to your animal. Stress can change your pet’s digestive cycle, which can affect their digestive tract and cause dog diarrhea. While it is still important to make sure that your dog doesn’t have any of these other symptoms, it’s also important to note that the diarrhea could be as simple as a lifestyle change.
  4. Illness in your dog: Dog diarrhea can be an indication of a much larger problem. From liver disease to cancer, if diarrhea in your dog is persistent, it’s important for you to get your dog to the veterinarian to make sure that they are really safe and sound.

It can be scary when man’s best friend is going through a tough time and is sick. But, to be a good owner, it’s important for you to get down to the bottom of it and make sure that your pet is safe. By going through this list and consulting your vet, you can reduce your dog’s risk of having diarrhea.

Dog Diarrhea Symptoms

Fany Dog

Fany Dog (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A lot of owners see diarrhea in dogs as just a messy proposition. However, an episode is often a sign of a medical problem.

Causes of Canine Diarrhea

Diarrhea in dogs occurs when the animal passes loose or unformed stools. The dog typically passes large amounts of stool and has more frequent bowel movements than normal. Dogs can have repeated accidents in the home because of urgency.

There are many causes of diarrhea in dogs:

  • Food intolerance – The pooch either eats something he shouldn’t have or has an intolerance to ingredients in some commercial foods.
  • Parasites – Especially common in puppies, the big offenders are roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, giardia and coccidia.
  • Gastroenteritis – A common culprit is idiopathic hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, particularly in small dogs.
  • Viruses – They most often occur in puppies not yet fully vaccinated. Dangerous viruses include distemper, coronavirus and parvovirus.
  • Bacteria – Many dogs have them without showing any symptoms. The most common are Clostridium perfringens, salmonella, E. coli, spirochetes and campylobacter.

One way to pinpoint the likely cause of diarrhea and probable location of the problem in the gut is by noting the characteristics of the dog’s stool, such as color, amount, odor, consistency, frequency and whether it contains red blood or clots. A dog’s weight and condition are also important.

Traditional vs. Natural Treatments

Unfortunately, some of the traditional treatments for diarrhea in dogs have potential side effects. Veterinarians prescribe wormers for common parasites. Sometimes they use antibiotics like sulfa, albendazole, febantel or metronidazole that can actually cause diarrhea.

For severe cases, a veterinarian might need to administer subcutaneous fluids. Some dogs with virus-caused diarrhea have intravenous catheters.

The goal of natural dog diarrhea treatments is providing allergy-free care that normalizes the dog’s stool without harmful side effects. One natural treatment for a dog that has eaten something undesirable is withholding food for a day, then feeding rice coupled with chicken or ground beef until the diarrhea ends. Changing from a commercial product to a natural food can often resolve diarrhea caused by a food intolerance.

It’s a good idea for a vet to examine any dog with diarrhea. Owners should always get a vet’s recommendation before starting any treatment.

Treating Dog Diarrhea Naturally


Puppies (Photo credit: Kiwi NZ)

On average, it takes approximately eight hours for food to pass through a dog’s small intestines. During this time, most of the food and 80 percent of the liquid in the stool is absorbed. The colon then concentrates what is left to form a typical stool. When your dog is sick, the normal process does not occur and his stool moves through his bowel quickly. This makes it arrive at his rectum in a liquid state, which is referred to as diarrhea.

One of the most common causes of diarrhea is a dog’s diet. Dogs are scavengers and eat numerous substances that are unable to be digested. These substances can include grass, plants, decaying food, wood, plastic and paper. Many of these substances irritate the stomach and bowel.

There may be some foods that your dog cannot tolerate. Some dogs are unable to eat certain table foods or specific commercial dog foods. Food allergies and food intolerances are not the same thing. A food allergy generally causes vomiting and/or dermatitis, as opposed to diarrhea. Other causes of dog diarrhea include parasites and bacterial infections.

Your dog’s diarrhea may take various forms. Stool can range from extremely soft to watery. Other signs may be present including gas, difficulty defecating, as well as blood and/or mucus in his stool. You may also notice that his stool has an abnormal odor. Most cases of diarrhea can be treated at home with a natural remedy; however, there are some cases that will require medical attention. If your dog has bloody diarrhea combined with severe straining you should seek him medical attention immediately. Another time you should seek medical assistance is if your dog has diarrhea and is vomiting.

Treating Your Dog’s Diarrhea

If you want to improve your dog’s digestion and eliminate chronic diarrhea naturally, consider treating him with Allergic Pet’s veterinarian formulated all-natural diarrhea treatment. This treatment is so gentle that he can take it every day. One of the best things about Allergic Pet’s diarrhea treatment is that, unlike many of the conventional drug therapies, it has no harmful side effects. You can feel safe and secure with Allergic Pet’s diarrhea treatment because this product has been used in clinical practices for more than 20 years.

Natural Treatments for Diarrhea in Dogs

This image shows a young mixed-breed dog. The ...

This image shows a young mixed-breed dog. The parents are a white shepherd dog and an alsatian dog. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A dog with diarrhea is probably a lot more miserable than the owner faced with cleaning up multiple accidents in the house. While one accident might not be noteworthy, the culprit behind diarrhea is often medical.

What Causes It?

Experts define diarrhea in dogs as passing loose or unformed stools. It often includes many bowel movements and huge amounts of stool.

Quite a few factors cause canine diarrhea. The most common are food intolerance, parasites, gastroenteritis and viruses. Bacteria like E. coli sometimes also cause diarrhea and other serious problems in dogs. The color, odor, frequency, consistency and presence/absence of blood of the stool can suggest the likely cause.

Treatment Options

A dog owner often has a choice between using traditional medical treatments or natural options.

Some traditional treatments come with potential side effects. For example, antibiotics often prescribed—albendazole, sulfa, metronidazole and febantel—can themselves cause diarrhea. Treatment with IVs and catheters is uncomfortable for the dog and expensive. Many owners would prefer a natural treatment if one is available.

Natural dog diarrhea treatments strive to eliminate diarrhea in dogs without side effects. They normalize the dog’s stool and increase overall health.

Natural Treatments

There are two main types of natural therapies for canine diarrhea:

Withholding food

Owners can withhold food for 24 hours when a dog has eaten something not on anybody’s approved list. A bland diet of cooked rice and chicken or cooked rice with ground beef should follow, on the next day.

When an allergy to or an intolerance of a substance in a commercial dog food is the cause, changing to a natural food often resolves the problem.

Nutritional supplements

These natural supplements can benefit a dog’s digestive tract:

  • L-Glutamine—The amino acid and fuels cells in the lining of the intestinal tract.
  • Slippery elm—This herb neutralizes stomach acid and soothes inflammation.
  • Saccharomyces boulardi—A yeast, it functions as a probiotic.
  • N-acetyl-glocosamine—It soothes the bowel lining to treat several inflammatory digestive conditions.
  • Lactobacillus sporogenes—This probiotic treats bacterial overgrowth.
  • Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL)—It boosts blood flow to the intestinal lining and reduces muscle spasms.
  • Digestive enzymes. Missing from commercial dog food, they’re necessary for proper nutrient absorption.

Before beginning any treatment for diarrhea in dogs, it’s important to consult your veterinarian.

Causes of Dog Diarrhea

Bucket-headed dog

Bucket-headed dog (Photo credit: Paul Kidd)

Dog diarrhea is never fun, for you or your dog. However, if you know some of the common causes of diarrhea in your dog, you can start to decipher what is causing the diarrhea. Without knowing any of the underlying causes, you may not treat your dogs diarrhea properly, using natural treatments, and cause even more issues in the health of your dog.

A primary cause of diarrhea in dogs, is changing their food to quickly. Unlike humans, who can have a different meal every day, dogs have to be changed slowly to a new food. If you change them too quickly, their systems cannot handle the change. Which will cause diarrhea to start and last until they are adjusted to the new food. Once the dogs are adjusted, the chance is still present for diarrhea. This chance comes from the bacteria in their stomachs might be to weak to help them digest food properly.

Food allergies is another cause of diarrhea in dogs. When dogs are allergic to a food, their bodies can react in several ways. A common way dogs react is by getting the food out of their system as quickly as possible. For example, if your dog is allergic to corn, and the dog get a hold of corn based food, they will pass the food through their system as quickly as possible. Commonly the way the dog will pass this food through their system is by having a touch of diarrhea.

Illness is another issue which may cause diarrhea. Even if the diarrhea was not present before the illness, the medicine your dog is taking can wipe out the natural bacteria. When this happens, your dog will get diarrhea for the same reasons people do. With the natural treatments for the illness, the bacteria in your dogs system is generally not wiped out, meaning no diarrhea.

Finding the underlying cause for your dogs diarrhea is a hard task. However, once you have found the cause, you need to know natural treatments are a lot easier on your dog. When you use the natural treatments for dog diarrhea, these often lead to less problems in the future, but also a dog that is back to their playful and energetic self quickly.