Can Dogs Have Asthma?

Most people understand that dogs and other pets can cause problems for people who have allergies and that they can aggravate asthma symptoms in those who are affected. But can dogs have asthma and other allergies? Yes, they can!

Just like humans, pets can be allergic to airborne particulates and those things can also exacerbate canine asthma. Allergic bronchitis, the most common form of asthma in dogs, is a condition that results from the inflammation and constriction of the air passage in the lungs called bronchi. As the lungs become inflamed, the body responds by producing mucous which further obstructs normal breathing. This almost always manifests as shortness of breath, wheezing, and violent coughing. In some cases it can cause loss of appetite and if not treated, canine asthma can sometimes be fatal.

If your dog exhibits these symptoms, you should take your dog to the vet. Since these symptoms can also be indicative of other respiratory problems it’s important to get a proper diagnosis. Once you receive an asthma diagnosis, you should begin managing it immediately. Typically, most asthma medications will contain steroids. However, large doses of steroids and prolonged use of them can cause unwanted side-effects including stomach ulcers, infections, diabetes, and hair loss.

But, Allergic Pet offers a safe and all-natural alternative to traditional steroid-based medications for your dog’s asthma. Fresh Aire Lung Formula is a lung-clearing as well as a lung-strengthening formula that can do a lot to help your asthmatic dog.

So, can dogs have asthma? Yes, they can. But it doesn’t have to be a hopeless condition. It can be tough to deal with your dog’s breathing problems when you don’t know what’s wrong, and a life of steroid treatment seems like an inevitability. However, with treatment and with proper management using the Fresh Aire Lung Formula, most dogs can lead a normal, fun-filled life without the worries of constant breathing troubles.

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