Archive of ‘Dog Seizures’ category

How to Handle a Dog Seizure

Watching your dog go through a seizure is a terrifying experience for any pet owner. Just like for a human, a seizure is very confusing for a dog but unlike humans, dogs can’t do much for themselves to remedy the problem. If your dog has frequent seizures, it may be indicative of a more serious disorder. So what can you do for your dog?

So, what is a dog seizure and what causes them?

Dog seizures, at their core, are abnormal and uncontrolled bursts of neural activity in your dog’s brain. These can cause a twitch or an uncontrollable episode of shaking that can last seconds or even minutes. Seizures can be caused by many things including poisoning, liver or kidney disease, imbalance in blood sugar levels, head injury, or other brain disease or infection.

What does a dog seizure look like?

A dog seizure can have a variety of different symptoms including muscle twitching, collapsing onto the floor, stiffening, loss of consciousness, drooling, tongue chewing, or mouth foaming. Dogs can fall to the side and make paddling motions with their legs. Often before a seizure takes hold, a dog may look dazed or confused. After the seizure subsides, your dog will probably be confused and unsteady and may try to hide.

What to do during a dog seizure.

The most important thing to do is to stay calm and try to keep your pet away from anything that could hurt them. Also, stay away from your dog’s mouth. Even though they may have never bit before, that does not mean they won’t in the midst of a seizure. If the dog seizure lasts for more than a minute try to keep your dog cool because their body temperature will rise quickly. And as soon as the seizure ends, call your veterinarian.

Controlling your dog’s seizures.

After your vet diagnoses your dog with a seizure disorder, your vet will likely prescribe a traditional drug treatment plan. But there is something else you can do, too. We have a safe, all-natural formula called Vet Select Nuroplex. It comes in capsule and liquid form and will help lower liver toxins from traditional drug therapy. If your dog has chronic or seizures, you should grab the full treatment kit. It’s a great alternative without side effects that can even be used with your doctor’s prescriptions.

Can Dogs Outgrow Seizures?

A sick pet can be a difficult thing for any pet owner to handle, and when that sickness comes in the form of seizures, an otherwise healthy dog can suddenly be a fountain of need. But is there any hope for such circumstances? It turns out that the answer is yes… maybe.

Seizures can occur in dogs for a variety of reasons, ranging from poisons that have crept into them, including lead, and pesticides, to fatigue, hyperventilation, and bright lights, to hypoglycemia or genetic factors. In some of these cases, handling the attacks can be as simple as eliminating the stimulus. If your dog is being poisoned, it can be as simple as stopping the poisoning, and while maybe “growing out of it” isn’t the right term for that, the seizures can subside.

In the case of hypoglycemia, in puppies especially, the dogs can simply grow out of it on their own. Studies have shown that Boxers, Poodles, and terriers are the most commonly struck by this kind of seizure, but it has been noted in several toy breeds. If hypoglycemia is the cause of your puppy’s seizures, the dog is likely to outgrow them, and in the mean time they can be treated with what is essentially sugar-water. This sort of condition is often caused by malnutrition, or the presence of parasites.

Unfortunately, not all causes of canine seizures are grown out of. Genetic deficiencies do persist throughout the life of the animal, and while there are treatments that exist which can reduce the frequency of the seizures, or eliminate them entirely, the treatments need to be administered on a continuing basis.

Ultimately, the best course of action is to consult a veterinarian for specific advice on your dog’s condition, and the best treatments for it, but there is cause for hope in doing so. Some dogs really do outgrow their seizures.


Treatment for Seizures in Dogs

English: 9 Week Old Dog

English: 9 Week Old Dog (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Seizures in dogs are not uncommon, but they are life threatening. They occur due to an abnormal burst of electrical activity within the brain. This causes the dog to have convulsions. It can occur in just one area of the body, but it is more common to occur throughout. Initially, the dog may be anxious, crying out or even may seek seclusion. Then, the seizure, which lasts under two minutes, will cause a collapse of the pet and then a period of time where the dog is unconscious, not breathing or otherwise rigid. It can be frightening.

Why Does It Happen?

What can be behind this? There are numerous risk factors present. If the dog is ill, such as suffering from heat stroke, encephalitis, brain injury or kidney failure, this can bring on a seizure. It can also occur from poisoning. If a pet gets into rat poison or other animal baits, this can cause it to occur as well. Other risk factors for poisoning include chocolate, insecticides and lead.

How to Treat Dog Seizures

If your dog is experiencing seizures, and it occurs more than one time per month, treatment may be necessary. First, treatment for the underlying cause is necessary in all situations. Removing chemicals that could be causing it and improving health are necessary steps. Aside from this, other treatments can help to reduce the frequency of such attacks.

When selecting any type of treatment medication for dogs for seizures, be sure to keep the following in mind.

  • Choose only all-natural dog seizure treatment. These are by far the best because they have few, if any, type of side effects to the dog.
  • Look for all natural anti-convulsive medications. These will be the best overall treatment for the pet in this situation.
  • Some dogs benefit from acupuncture and changes to their diet.

If your doctor states that using a chemical-based medication is necessary, find out if an all natural option would work better. All-natural products are also easier on the dog’s liver and overall health.

When it comes to dog seizures understanding your pet’s risk factors are important. Seek out treatment that focuses on all natural remedies whenever possible.

Safe Dog Seizure Treatment

More and more dog owners are seeking alternative treatment methods for their dog’s illnesses and disorders. Canines experiencing seizure disorders should be put on the safe dog seizure treatmentalternatives.

Chemicals, fillers, stabilizers and coloring are not appropriate or safe for dogs with seizure disorders. There are several remedies for treating dog seizures. Aside from the recommendations of vets, there are always home remedies and natural herbs to consider.

Seekins dogs

Seekins dogs (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Healthy living is the safest most natural way to treat seizures in your dog. Changing what your dog eats, and the way your dog eat can greatly reduce the number of seizures your dog experience. Your dog needs to eat foods that are naturally high in Vitamins and minerals.

Most dog seizures are caused by deficiencies in vitamin A, B6, and D. The lack of folic acid, zinc, calcium, taurine and magnesium also contributes to seizures.

Environment and exercise are other key factors that play a role in reducing or eliminating your pet seizures. Your pet living and eating environment should be mold and allergen free. When you are shopping for dog food, be sure to check the ingredients.

Restrain from buying foods that are high in chemicals, artificial flavoring and processors. Aside from eating right, make sure your dog gets plenty of exercise. A word of caution; be careful not to over stimulate your dog. Some seizures are caused by over stimulation.

The electrical brain waves in your dog could be over stimulating for your dog. There are natural medications that can keep your dog calm, if you feel your dog is too excited and too energetic.

Natural ingredients found in supplements, vitamins and dry foods are always safe for your dog. Natural ingredients contain no harmful chemicals, no preservatives and no additives. Keeping your pet safe from products that can trigger an epileptic seizure is your main priority.

With the proper homeopathy treatment and nutritional therapy seizures can be controlled or reduced. Building up your pet’s immune system is even better. Consider a raw food regimen for your dog. It helps with his digestive system. He needs to take in good enzymes.

What Causes Seizures in Dogs?

Dog dog

Dog dog (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What causes seizures in dogs? If you pet has an episode like this, you may become instantly upset and worried. The condition can be just as dramatic in pets as it is in people. Pets may have uncontrollable and sudden events in which the dog is convulsing. In some cases, it may be possible to determine what caused the seizure.

Possible Causes There are many situations that can cause seizures in dogs. Where did this come from? Consider some of the potential reasons this may happen.

  • Trauma is one of the most common causes as it causes the hemorrhaging and swelling in the animal’s brain. It can also happen if a blood clot forms and travels to the brain.
  • Toxic seizures are also possible. This comes from some type of poisoning. The most common cause of this is lead poisoning but ingesting any type of non-natural food for dogs can lead to this type of problem.
  • Encephalitis is another potential cause. This occurs when an inflammation occurs in the central nervous system.
  • In some dogs, high blood ammonia levels can cause seizures.
  • If the dog is left outside in the heat, especially without water, this can cause heat stroke. Heat stroke can lead to potential complications to life, including seizures.

With all of these risks, it may be worrisome for pet owners who believe a pet is at risk. If the dog is having more than one seizure a month, it may be necessary to consider treatment options.

What Treatment Options Are Available for Dogs Dog seizure treatments vary, but one of the most important things to look for is an all natural product. Natural remedies and anticonvulsants are safe to use and do not have any negative, toxic side effects.

This type of treatment can reduce the number of seizures, but further exposure to the risk factor that brings them on will make it hard for the pet to stop having them altogether. It is also very important to treat any underlying medical condition brought on by the seizures or from which the seizures stemmed, such as nutrition deficiencies.

What Causes a Dog Seizure and How to Treat It

Beagle puppy

Beagle puppy (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Pet owners love their dogs. They are a member of the family, and that is why it is so heartbreaking to watch them get sick. Also, just like a human child, it is scary to watch them have a seizure. However, as with humans, knowing a bit about what causes them and how to treat them can make a world of difference.
Causes of Dog Seizures
There are many causes of dog seizures that are still unknown, but these dogs still can get diagnosed with something called idiopathic epilepsy. However, dogs are usually tested or other causes first. Other possible causes include head trauma, kidney failure, central nervous center inflammation, ammonia in the blood, heat stroke, distemper, lead poisoning, and low blood sugar.
Natural Treatments of Dog Seizures
In many cases, a puppy will out grow his seizures as he grows into adulthood. However, for those dogs that do not out grow them, there are certain drugs that can be prescribed. There are natural treatments as well, which is usually the better option because of the side effects that can occur with drugs. Also, anticonvulsant drugs must be used for a lifetime once use begins.
Natural treatments include herbal substances like the Vet Select Seizure Formula. Acupuncture is also said to be an effective means of treating seizures. It is important, though, to keep in mind that none of these methods will one hundred percent eliminate seizures no matter how effective they are at reducing the number of them.
Vet Consultation
It is always important to report any seizures your dog is experiencing to a veterinarian as some are more severe than others, and some may require more serious treatment than others. If you are concerned about stating your dog on drug therapy, discuss any of these natural alternatives with your dog’s vet.

Dog Seizures Causes and Signs

Cream - Seizure Alert Dog

Cream – Seizure Alert Dog (Photo credit: certified su)

When a beloved pet dog is going through seizures, it is hard not to worry. Understanding the causes and the possible treatments will help owners recognize when it is time to worry and when the pet’s seizures will pass.


Idiopathic epilepsy is a potential cause of seizures in dogs. Although it only occurs in roughly 1 percent of canines, owners should watch be wary of any seizures that occur regularly or for extended periods of time.

If a seizure persists for more than 30 seconds, then it is a good idea to have a vet look at the dog. Tests can help make a proper diagnosis of epilepsy.


In some cases, bacterial or viral infections will cause seizures. This type of seizure will usually stop after the sickness passes. Treating the sickness is usually the best way to stop the seizures.

Head Injuries

If a dog has lived through trauma and head injuries, then seizures are a possibility. The seizures are directly related to the injury and usually have limited treatment options as a result.

Low Blood Sugar

Although hypoglycemia is not common to most breeds, it can occur in some dogs. Low blood sugar can cause seizures or tremors, but it usually possible to treat with a careful diet plan.

Natural Treatments

The best way to treat seizures is through natural remedies that are recommended by a vet based on the cause of the problem. Although medications are available for canines, it is potentially dangerous and toxic to use those drugs. A natural dog seizure remedy does not have the same side effects because it focuses on nutritional changes and healthy solutions.

When a beloved pet dog is going through seizures, it is often emotional. Although the problem is potentially stressful and worrisome, pet owners can use natural remedies to help prevent or reduce the regularity of the seizures.

Dog Epilepsy Treatment


B0085P0004 (Photo credit: Nottingham Vet School)

Dogs can have epileptic seizures, just as humans do. Generally, if a dog has a grand mal seizure, it will stiffen up and fall, then it’s legs may start shaking or moving like the dog is running. The dog may also drool, urinate or defecate.

Causes of Seizures: Sometimes, there is no definite cause of seizures, according to These seizures are called idiopathic epileptic seizures. Sometimes, a veterinarian can determine a probable cause. Probable causes include:

~ Trauma to the head. The brain could swell or hemorrhage during the trauma, thus causing scar tissue inside the brain. Sometimes, seizures may not present until years later.

~ Kidney failure. Though this is rare, kidney failure and having high levels of uremictoxins may cause seizures.

~ Lead poisoning. This cause may not be as common as it was in past generations because of the crackdown on using lead in paint, on toys and other places due to the damage it does to children.

~ Encephalitis. This is an inflammation of the central nervous system. If your dog has encephalitis, it could contribute or cause seizures.

~ Heat stroke. Always be aware of your dog’s environment. If it’s hot outside, bring your dog into the air conditioning, if you have it. If not, be sure the dog has plenty of shade and water.

There are several other things that cause seizures, including high blood ammonia levels, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) and canine distemper, all of which your veterinarian can check during yearly checkups for your dog.

Natural Treatments for Epilepsy: The veterinarian may prescribe medication for your dog, but you may also opt to treat the issue with natural means. Medications such as phenobarbitol could cause organ damage. According to PetWebMD, dietary changes and acupuncture may help reduce the number of seizures a dog has and may reduce the extent of the seizures. Neuroplex, a homeopathic treatment may also reduce or stop seizures. Neuroplex capsules contain cinnamon, ginseng, licorice, silkworm and other ingredients.

What to Do: If you suspect your dog has had a seizure, make an appointment with a veterinarian. The vet can check the underlying cause of the seizure. While the seizure itself is usually not fatal, the underlying cause may be fatal.

All-Natural Dog Seizure Treatment

You watch as your dog becomes unconscious, perhaps stops breathing, and most likely suffers from legs that go rigid or are paddling in a jerking fashion. He is most likely suffering from a seizure. When your dog is suffering from seizures, it is a terrifying experience for the both of you. One of the first things you can do about seizures is to understand the common causes. Secondly, did you know that there are natural remedies that help treat seizures in dogs? Learn more about the causes and treatments so you are better able to handle this situation.

Common Causes of Dog Seizures 

Anytime your dog suffers from a seizure, the first thing you should do is consult his veterinarian for a checkup to ensure there are no other factors contributing to this situation. While only 1 percent of dogs suffering from seizures are epileptic, several other medical situations are related to dog seizures.

Age Related Causes:

  • Dogs that are less than 12 months old and that are experiencing seizures typically are also suffering from a bacterial or viral infection.
  • Dogs that have reached 7 years of age and that suffer with seizures commonly have an age related illness, such as liver disease or a brain tumor.
  • For healthy dogs ages 1 to 7, seizures are normally related to epilepsy.

Other Causes: 

  • The ingestion of poisons, such as chocolate, lead and strychnine, can cause seizures. 
  • Drop in blood sugar or low blood calcium levels will trigger a seizure.


Natural Treatments for Seizures in Dogs 

After you have diagnosed your dog with having seizures, there are natural remedies that can help including:

  • Acupuncture
  • Dietary changes
  • Herbal remedies, such as mouth drops and supplements

Consider a natural dog seizure treatment in place of a chemically derived anticonvulsant. Prescribed medications, such as Valium, phenobarbital and potassium bromide or Clonazepam, have substantially harsh side effects. Also, these medications do not get to the root of the problem but simply ease the onset and side effects that accompany seizures in dogs. By implementing dietary changes and the holistic remedy of acupuncture, you are able to manage seizures without adding dangerous and toxic drugs to your dog’s diet.