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Fun Halloween Costumes for Your Pets



It’s more fun to answer the ringing doorbell on Halloween when your pet is dressed in a fun Halloween costume. Waiting eagerly to greet happy trick-or-treaters, your dog has no idea how cute he is, and of course ,the cat doesn’t care.

Little kids squeal with surprise and parents laugh hysterically as the door opens to find a canine pirate or ballerina, tiny cat clown or barking shark, miniature Pope, or even a dog in a Luke Skywalker or Chewbacca costume.

Which look does your pet prefer? Glamorous, humorous, silly or scary? You can’t go wrong when your kitty is dolled up in a Red Riding Hood costume or your puppy is decked out in a Michael Jackson wig. If scary is the look you want, check out the monster costumes or Tyrannosaurus Rex.

There are hundreds of different costume choices and ideas no matter how big or small your pet. If you’ve got a finicky animal, you might try something light like a scarf or set of moose ears. If your pet loves the idea of strutting her stuff, you can’t go wrong with a full set of jewelry and a tiara. And if your dog is the man of the house, send him to the door to delight the kids fully dressed in a doggie tuxedo, complete with bow tie collar.

If your pet doesn’t mind and won’t be insulted, try a food suit. How about a taco, hot dog, or banana split?

And don’t forget, you and your pet can wear fun and fabulous matching costumes to Halloween parties and to delight your neighborhood trick-or-treaters.

Is your dog getting enough exercise?

We all love our dogs. We nourish and feed them and in return they give us companionship and love. We make sure they get the best food and take them for veterinary visits on a regular basis, but is your dog getting enough exercise? Sometimes this is the one thing that a lot of pet owners overlook.

Exercise is as essential for dogs as it is for humans. Getting your pooch to exercise for at least thirty to forty minutes at least three times per week will keep joints, bones, and his brain functioning at their peak. Dogs that get enough exercise will be more even-keeled and generally happier.

In case you were wondering, taking your dog out for a potty-walk does not count as exercise. Here are some easy ways to make sure your dog gets enough exercise. Remember that the activity must be aerobic.

  • Get a tennis ball, a Frisbee, a chew toy or a stick and play a few games of fetch in your local park.
  • If you have a pool, live near a lake or the beach take your dog swimming. Swimming is terrific for toning all major muscle groups.
  • Take your dog with you on your daily morning jog.
  • Take your dog bicycling. There are products available which allow you to attach a leash to the back of your bicycle. That way you will not have to worry about holding a leash with one hand. This way you can keep both hands on the handlebars.

When your dog receives the right amount of exercise, chances are that it will live a longer, healthier and happier life. However, another these benefits will not only enhance your dog’s life but yours as well.

Testimonial Tuesday: Skin-Eze Reviews

Today we have a few great Skin-eze testimonials to share. We love hearing about how Skin-eze has helped your pets. If you have a story to share, please feel free to leave a comment! Without further ado, onto some Skin-eze reviews.

We have been fostering a severely abused golden retriever with tremendous skin issues including allergies, puncture wounds, dry, itchy skin, hair loss, scarring, dry spots, et al. Between the bathing several times weekly, the change in diet (he was severely underweight), the meds from the vet and the Skin-eze, he has made a remarkable recovery. We ran out of the Skin-eze 2 days ago and he’s scratching constantly which he hadn’t been doing after a week on the capsules when we first started.

Skin-eze is a great product which does what it says, my dogs skin has cleared up and no more break outs, I will continue to give my dog the skin- eze tablets. Thank you

I cannot say enough good things about these products. It truly works. It is a relief not to depend on harsh chemicals and vet prescriptions. Thank you so much.

It really works!! I was able to decrease the daily amount for a few weeks but had to recently increase. Hope it takes all the itchiness away! He is only 6 months old and I did not want to go the traditional route. So blessed to have found your website!!!

Using Wheat Bran to Treat Hairballs in Cats

Healthy digestion and bowel regularity are both important to the health of your cat, no matter what its age. Unfortunately, cats that suffer from frequent hairballs may experience constipation, which can ultimately result in kidney damage and other health problems. Still, there are many remedies for hairballs in cats, including the use of wheat bran.

Homemade Wheat Bran Treatment

If you’re looking for a natural remedy for your cat’s hairballs, try mixing the following ingredients together:

  • one tablespoon of wheat bran
  • one teaspoon of rice bran, or two teaspoons of canned pumpkin

Add this concoction to your cat’s regular food or serve as a treat on the side (many cats enjoy the taste of canned pumpkin). You can repeat this meal once every few days, but you shouldn’t feed your cat this too regularly, as it can be high in calories and fattening. In fact, this recipe is best for cats that are an average weight already and suffering from hairballs.

How does this work to help your cat get rid of hairballs? Essentially, it’s a way of adding a large amount of fiber to your cat’s diet. Since fiber helps stools pass, this homemade wheat bran recipe is a great way to help your cat pass hairballs through the digestive tract.

As a result, your cat will receive the relief it needs from constipation while also expelling hairballs that could otherwise be dangerous. Furthermore, you’ll enjoy finding fewer hairballs coughed up by your cat. It’s a win-win situation for everybody.

There are many treatments for constipation in cats, especially constipation caused by hairballs. However, if you’re looking for a natural treatment that you can whip up with just a couple simple ingredients at home, this is definitely one worth trying.

Testimonial Tuesday: Bladder Crystal Edition


I have been through the “bladder crystal” routine with our local vet before, and after over $3000 in operations on the poor dog I was forced financially to make the decision to put him down anyhow. Once this new patient (my six-year old male Yorkie) was diagnosed with the same thing but in the beginning stages, I refused to let the vet proceed down the same route. I found you on line and after reading other testimonials on the product, decided to give it a shot. After almost two months of treatment, I am happy to report hat my boy is doing just fine. After the pills are gone, I intend to take him to another vet and have a urinalysis done to verify the results and will report at that time to you the results. For now, I am viewing your product as a “life-saver” and I am extremely grateful I found you when I did. I questioned the vet on their lack of knowledge of these homeopathic medicines especially when their are no other cures but surgery that generally have poor results for the outcome. As expected, they were mum on the subject but did say they would investigate. Thanks again for now and will follow up when meds are finished.

Shop Allergic Pet’s Kidney and Bladder Treatment for pets today!

Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs

Just like humans, dogs can suffer from urinary tract infections (UTIs). Fortunately, UTIs are easy to treat in dogs as they are in humans. Most cases clear up after a simple round of antibiotics.

UTIs occur when bacteria enters the urinary tract. Dogs with compromised immune systems from a previous illness, stress or another cause, are more susceptible to developing UTIs. Serious complications can occur if the infection is left untreated.

How to Tell if Your Dog has a UTI

These infections are uncomfortable, so your dog will show signs of distress. The infection may occur in the urethra, bladder or kidney. Symptoms include:

  • Blood in the urine – if the blood occurs at the beginning or end of the stream, the infection is most likely in the bladder. If blood is continuously present, the infection is probably in the kidney.
  • Difficulty urinating – your dog may strain to urinate or cry out while urinating.
  • Frequent attempts to urinate
  • Accidents around the house
  • Excessive licking
  • Bad smelling, cloudy urine

If the infection is serious, you may see symptoms like:

  • Weight loss
  • Vomiting
  • Lack of appetite
  • Fever
  • Tenderness in the lower abdomen
  • Lethargy

Because these symptoms are similar to other conditions, a urinanalysis will need to be performed by your veterinarian to confirm a UTI. If your dog is acting abnormal and showing signs of distress, give your veterinarian a call.


Common Household Products That are Not Pet-Friendly

Pet owners cannot assume all household products are safe for use. Not only are many common cleaners toxic to humans, they are actually more harmful to our pets. Factors like curiosity, higher metabolism and closer proximity contribute to higher exposure for animals. Here is a list of household products and their chemical ingredients to watch out for.

Flea Control and Pet Shampoo Products – Any flea repellent product containing the chemical d’Limonene can be considered harmful to cats, as well as Tea Tree and Pennyroyal essential oils. Many pet shampoos can be found to contain the chemical formaldehyde.

Outdoor Products – Products often used for fertilizing lawns containing 2,4-D herbicide should be avoided as well as the chemical metaldehyde, which is used in many herbicide and insecticide products. De-icing salts containing sodium chloride should also be avoided.

Household cleaners – Many oven, glass and stainless steel cleaners contain ammonia. You can find chlorine in most disinfectants, bathroom cleaners and dishwashing detergents, even laundry detergents. Glycol ethers, also toxic to animals, can be found in glass cleaners, carpet cleaners and spot removal products. Formaldehyde is also used in soaps and cleaners. Using floor cleaning products such as Pine Sol creates toxic exposure from lasting vapors.

Home Furnishings – The chemical formaldehyde can be found throughout the home in some construction materials, laminate flooring, wood paneling and any item made of particleboard, plywood or medium density fiberboard. It can also be found in new fabrics, such as clothing and bedding.

Drain Openers – Although the products is not used on any open surface in the home, the toxic emissions left over after use can be harmful to your pet.

Mothballs – Mothball fumes are toxic to animals and ingestion causes poisoning. The chemicals to look out for are naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene.

The best way to avoid exposing your pet to these chemicals is to use non-toxic alternatives. Always make sure any products mentioned are safely stored. Avoid using products when you animal is in the area and always make sure to ventilate your home post-use.


Can Dogs Outgrow Seizures?

A sick pet can be a difficult thing for any pet owner to handle, and when that sickness comes in the form of seizures, an otherwise healthy dog can suddenly be a fountain of need. But is there any hope for such circumstances? It turns out that the answer is yes… maybe.

Seizures can occur in dogs for a variety of reasons, ranging from poisons that have crept into them, including lead, and pesticides, to fatigue, hyperventilation, and bright lights, to hypoglycemia or genetic factors. In some of these cases, handling the attacks can be as simple as eliminating the stimulus. If your dog is being poisoned, it can be as simple as stopping the poisoning, and while maybe “growing out of it” isn’t the right term for that, the seizures can subside.

In the case of hypoglycemia, in puppies especially, the dogs can simply grow out of it on their own. Studies have shown that Boxers, Poodles, and terriers are the most commonly struck by this kind of seizure, but it has been noted in several toy breeds. If hypoglycemia is the cause of your puppy’s seizures, the dog is likely to outgrow them, and in the mean time they can be treated with what is essentially sugar-water. This sort of condition is often caused by malnutrition, or the presence of parasites.

Unfortunately, not all causes of canine seizures are grown out of. Genetic deficiencies do persist throughout the life of the animal, and while there are treatments that exist which can reduce the frequency of the seizures, or eliminate them entirely, the treatments need to be administered on a continuing basis.

Ultimately, the best course of action is to consult a veterinarian for specific advice on your dog’s condition, and the best treatments for it, but there is cause for hope in doing so. Some dogs really do outgrow their seizures.


Best Dog Breeds for Kids

Dogs make wonderful pets for children. Not only can dogs be a loyal friend and playmate, but they can also help children learn important characteristics, including responsibility, love and loyalty. Since different dog breeds possess different traits and personalities, it’s important to find a breed that is suitable for children. The following are excellent breeds to consider if you want a pet for your kids.

Golden Retrievers

Golden retrievers are gentle, docile dogs that love to please their owners, making them a great breed for families with kids. This laid-back breed tolerates a kid’s antics, such as ear or tail pulling, and goldens are patient and affectionate.

Bull Dog

Bulldogs are sturdy, tough dogs that make perfect pets for children that like playing rough. These dogs are friendly and docile and they get along with other dogs and animals, making them perfect for families that want more than one pet.


These gentle, large, furry dogs have the nickname, “Nature’s Babysitter,” because they love kids. They are protective of children and very patient with younger children. These dogs are natural swimmers and they have been known to save the lives of people drowning.


The beagle is a playful, cheerful and friendly breed of dogs that fit in well with active children. They require plenty of activity, so they’ll love playing games with the kids. Beagles are sturdy dogs that get along well with other pets, although they do require regular bathing and brushing.


Collies are affectionate and mild-mannered and they are very loyal friends to children. They consider family members a part of their pack and they often become protective of their owners. Collies are often wary of strangers, making them great protectors and guard dogs for families.

Standard Poodles

While standard poodles look elegant, they have plenty of energy and love to play. Their intelligence and willingness to please their owners makes them a great family dog. Since they have hair instead of fur, they make a great choice for children that may have allergies.




Pets and Depression: Methods of Treatment

Just like humans, pets can succumb to depression too. It’s imperative that depression in animals be treated as quickly as possible to ensure the condition does not worsen. Fortunately, there are several tips and tricks you can follow to help your animal stay happy. If you don’t notice any improvement in a depressed pet, it’s highly advised that you visit a professional veterinarian.

Take Your Animal Outside for a Few Minutes Each Day

If your pet is an inside pet, make sure to take him or her outside for a bit each day. From running around the yard to going for walks in the woods, pets love seeing the outdoors. Just make sure to use some type of leash to ensure your furry friend doesn’t run away and never come back.

Provide Nutritious Food

When humans don’t eat right, this can lead to depression. The same applies to animals. Make sure you’re providing your pets with wholesome meals on a daily basis.

Be Friends with Your Pet

Did you know pets can actually improve depression in their owners? They tend to offer unconditional love, and when the two of you form a bond with one another –playing together, sleeping together, running errands together– the two of you will both improve symptoms of depression.

Put Your Pet On Medications

Another way animal depression is similar to human depression is that it can be treated with medication. You’ll need to visit a licensed vet to ensure you’re getting the right type of medicine. Always follow your vet’s directions exactly as they are outlined.


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