How to find the right pet sitter for when you go on vacation

Owning a pet is an amazing experience. While you are going to go through heartache and sadness from time to time, the amount of joy pets give you is truly unmatched by anything else. Of course, it is not always possible to travel with your pets, no matter how much you might want to. If you don’t have someone staying at home or a friend who can watch your pet, you need to find the right pet sitter for you and your pet.

Ask Around

First, ask your other friends who have pets if they use someone specific for their pet sitting. Chances are you are going to find someone who is able to help you out with this. Whether it is a friend of their family or an actual service, you can find locate several individuals through this who provide sitting services.

Look Online

There are many ways to locate pet sitting services now. This can range from them living in their actual home to more of a kennel setup. Ultimately, it is just going to depend on what you feel comfortable with and what your pet might like. Some pets enjoy being with other animals at the same time while others might work better just in the individual household. These services can help you out.


Most importantly, you need to feel comfortable with the individual and the facility. Make sure to schedule a meet and greet and ring your pet along with you. This way, not only you can determine if you feel comfortable with the individual and services they provide, but your pet can feel comfortable as well. It often helps when they see you interact with the individual and meet them ahead of time in terms of their general comfort when you are not around.

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